View Full Version : magic question

08-17-2002, 02:33 PM
I have yet another question. How can I have magic in my quest? I have an idea but dont know for sure.

Thanks for putting up with my newbie questions.

[email protected]

P.S. If anybody wants me to have a new tutorial send me some info and I'll put it together and give you credit.

08-17-2002, 03:21 PM
1st check the rules that enable magic and which items you want to use magic. Then set up the magic bar that goes under the Life hearts.

08-17-2002, 03:39 PM
ok i got what you are saying, but i dont know how to set up the bar under the hearts do i need to put in a magic jar first or what

[email protected]

08-17-2002, 09:19 PM
Just enable the magic rule, then either set your max mag in init data, or pick up a magic container.

08-17-2002, 09:40 PM
Fav. Quest: R2!

As for mag, there's plenty more about it, JayeM may have put it in Zquest.txt.

08-18-2002, 12:44 AM
The magic meter is a bit complex to draw. The best thing to do is find one someone else has made (there's one in the newfirst example quest), import it into your quest, and then go to sprites->weapons/misc->magic meter, and select the first tile of the magic meter.

You'll also want to check a few of the rules that make the various items use magic, to give the magic something to do.