View Full Version : RIAA suing AT&T for not blocking a Chinese MP3 website

08-17-2002, 02:54 AM
In other news, RIAA has been reported to say "FUCK YOU" to internet users.

Think I'm shitting you?


T-Rex, meet Godzilla.

But still, this whole suit is so fucktarded. If the RIAA wins, they can just point a magic wand at any old site and scream THAT HURTS OUR BUSINESS.

I bet they are in their War Room right now...

"Sir, we just shut down another MP3 site"


"Ummm...that could be due to a number of factors...mainly the music sucks."

"NEVER! The public doesn't know what good music is. It will listen to what WE want it to. Those MP3 sites are our problem! Shut em down!"

On an off note, it's a good thing that CD players don't have region encoders. I want to be able to listen to my import DDR soundtracks.

08-17-2002, 03:12 AM
Interesting. I just got a news update in e-mail; haven't linked to the article yet.

If they win this, we have a problem.


08-17-2002, 03:20 AM
bah from now on I'm only going to download songs that are copyrighted. Let em come and get me. Bastards.

08-17-2002, 04:04 AM
The RIAA should be sued for general harassment of the public. They just never STFU. They need to realize the sales drop is because the economy sucks and their music sucks even more.

08-17-2002, 04:22 AM
Has anyone noticed that todays music and movies suck? Well not all of them but enough to know you don't want to pay $20 bucks.

If they sue AT&T for not blocking a chinese web site then is the internet really world wide? Are we actually be held back in our own little world?

Well the chip in kid shocked me why should I act any more surprised?

It won't effect any of the P2P music trading but it's a blow to internet users. If the RIAA can control what web sites can show up they can block anything they want.

08-17-2002, 07:50 AM
I was starting to get pissed, until these posts cheered me back up:

Now if this doesn't convince you that the RIAA Amoeba is the lowest, most evil form of life on this planet, I don't know what will. - "Cliff"

I find your association of the recording industry with amoebae patently offensive, and demand an immediate retraction.

That Gigantic Fucking Amoeba-Thing from Zelda 64"
- "Anonymous Coward

They've said just about everything I wanted to :) .