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08-16-2002, 10:24 PM
QDB is back, Eckels said. I was just there myself. Feel free to rejoice all you want

08-16-2002, 10:27 PM
Yay! I don't like the side-menu though. I think those options should be added to the top.

08-16-2002, 10:28 PM
design isn't done. In fact, I didn't want to draw too much attention to it...

I was thinking of putting the drop down menus back on top

08-16-2002, 10:31 PM
that's what I'm here for :D .

Seriously, for all of you, the QDB, at least to my knowledge, is still WIP so I'll leave all announcements to Eckels.

zora man
08-16-2002, 11:24 PM
I just checked it out and I sighned in.

08-17-2002, 02:22 AM
Did I miss something important here? And another thing: WHY THE HELL CAN'T I ACCESS ANYTHING???

Eckels, PM me at once, please. We need to have a serious conversation. As for public comments, I will leave it at that.


08-17-2002, 05:10 AM
*Throws a little party*
Are we aloud to submit any quests yet?

Dark Jim
08-17-2002, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Cyclone
Did I miss something important here? And another thing: WHY THE HELL CAN'T I ACCESS ANYTHING???

Eckels, PM me at once, please. We need to have a serious conversation. As for public comments, I will leave it at that.

Uhm he de-adminned me too. I was waiting for a database to be up again so I could do the work I was supposed to do and now I find someone else taking over and firing all staff. WTF?

Edit: Read all stuff he posted on the database. Wasn't Warlord even aware of all the plans with the database? Tsk tsk. :eyebrow:

Kirby of Doom
08-17-2002, 03:15 PM
I tried to register - it sayed someone's already registered with my e-mail.

08-17-2002, 03:56 PM
I don't know what the fuck is going on with all this, but whatever...

I was approached by these people and asked if I wanted involvement, and since then we've been working on setting up a very very user friendly database which is almost prepared, but whatever...

And eckels as much as I love War Lord if you leave any of this in his hands nothing will ever happen with it I gaurantee you... Hell I couldn't even get him to approve some very simple additions to ZC.com... like for example an update in future plans to mark what has and hasn't already been done. If this continues anyway like it did in the past I gaurantee it'll once again become stagnent because as much as you'd like to believe the DB was wonderful it just wasn't functional, and eventually just broke down entirly all by itself.

08-17-2002, 06:00 PM
Just so you all know, I just had a nice long chat with DC about what's going on.

I told him, just what I'm about to tell you.

The QDB is being fixed, completely. It will be fully operational when I am done, with only moderation necessary. I will stay on as administrator. No, I'm not leaving the site in Warlord's hands, as DC said. It will be fixed, and it will be done right, and I will be here to make sure it stays done correctly.

DC asked me about what happens if they get their DB working as well... If that happens, They'd be more than welcome to bring the idea up to Warlord, and if it's decided that their DB would be the better way to go, then it can be switched plain and simple.

Really, there's no reason why there can't be more than one DB. But that's my opinion. It keeps files stored in more than one place, and helps in the way of archiving, in the event that one site goes down. I'd personally like to see it done that way, but like I said, that's just my opinion.

For the time being, The QDB is being prepared to run smoothly, and on it's own. All of the old quests are still there, and accessable. Any broken links will be removed, and the back end of the whole thing is being cleaned up considerably. I am working on the uploader right now.

If you're wondering how it's going to work... basically it will all be like this... You submit your quest like you would a regular topic in a forum... You upload your files, in the same window that you post your topic in, and after you upload each file, it gives you a code to put in the post, so people can link to the file. it's that simple.

Moderators, and Senior Moderators, on top of having the task of making sure that no one is posting garbage, would also have the responsibility of making sure each quest has Screenshots, and a decent description. If they don't have screenshots, it would be up to the moderator to download the quest, grab some screenshots, and upload them into the submission.

Right now, i've got the uploader working, and it works very well. I haven't seen a corrupted file yet... and I'm currently working on the code to rename the files after the user, and the quest name.

Any additional news regarding the QDB can be found HERE. (http://questdb.armageddongames.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=30)

08-17-2002, 08:44 PM
What about the custom quest contest that was being run by Cyclone throught the QDB? Who will be in charge of it now?

08-17-2002, 09:04 PM
The custom quest contest forum is still active, and I've made Cyclone a moderator of it, so he can still conduct that contest with no problems.

Since no one I've asked has been able to give me adequate information about it, I don't know what else to do with it.

But I have absolutely no intention of ending it, if that's your question.

Kirby of Doom
08-18-2002, 03:05 PM
The account on the QDB is seperate from here, right? Well, if it is, I can't register because of the reason I said before, and when I told it to send me the account information to my email, it didn't do it. So, I need that to be done so maybe I can get rid of it and get my own account. Does that make any sense?

08-18-2002, 10:05 PM
Once we have our more complete database up and running (you see, that is why I abandoned the old UBB database which Krath. had a slightly harder time working with...and we DID try setting up a VB on the same server), I'll likely move operations to there, NEway.

I will be the first to admit I can't code worth shit (explains why I dropped it, and opted instead for Business Administration; I've actually totally lost interest in coding), so when the big problem with half of the quest files not uploading came up (check that particular forum - Bad Submissions, I think - to see a bunch of them, then check FTP in both the "submissions" and user-specific folders to find nothing), I was quick to look for alternatives.

As for War Lord knowing; I did explain to him that I wanted to combine everything onto one site. He never commented one way or the other. I had no idea what to do, so I posted that poll (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58580) for the members, so they could decide for themselves what they wanted. The results, for those who are too lazy to click (I feel your pain):

Cyclone, you are a saint. Combine them NOW! - 34, 54.84%
Yes, I think they should be combined. - 23, 37.10%
No, I like it the way it is. 2, 3.23%
What's Zelda Classic? - 3, 4.84%

The response to the idea was better than I had ever hoped. I chose the line this way; it is now my duty to go on with it.

Now, of course, you COULD possibly help in this if you want to, Eckels (we are having a bit of a bug, NEway...and we DID try setting up the VB on the current server for obvious reasons; it's now a good thing it isn't there, as it would be inacccessible to us), but regardless, I have chosen the line of combining everything.

As for the new site: this new site will be is a combination of the old Tileshop (now MIA), MIDIshop (where IS that, NEway?), and the QDB...and I daresay that AZC itself is also being brought into the mix (hence DC's involvement). Basically, what this will be is a separate Zelda Classic community away from AGN; this is of certain benefit to banned AGN members who still use ZC, but hate AGN for some reason. And except for a few specific forums, it will mostly be about ZC; I'm hoping that beta testing will eventually also be moved there, though this may be speculation on my part, esp. since it leaves us open to the same security hole that someone originally broke through to get the betas here. Regardless, betas or no, official or no (it was until the uncertainty of the current situation), anything and everything related to ZC will be there, and we are open to further suggestions.

Perhaps I willl start a suggestions thread of my own for the new site; I haven't decided. But we are working on it, I can guarantee you. If Kratheous agrees, and you are willling, maybe you can help us get up and running (barring anything with the current one, of course).

NEway, I'll stop rambling for now.


08-19-2002, 07:25 AM
My contention is, since when can't there be more than one qdb?


There always has been.

Since the beginning of custom quests there has been a QDB at AGN. That will continue to happen until ZC is no more. There have also always been many other sites hosting quests for people.

Frankly, I think it's foolish to put all your eggs in one basket. Make another QDB. Keep em both running. It could be beneficial to each qdb to have the other one as a backup. It makes little sense to take down one because there's a second one out there.

My other contention is that, I've said on MANY occasions, If you get your multi site thing going, which i have no doubt you eventually will, and as a ZC resource it far surpasses everything in information, and ease of use... then go for it... you make a request to the Warlord (why? because he owns AGN, whether he's around all the time, or not) and go from there. One thing I don't understand is, why you need the AG QDB to be gone, so you can work on yours.

Also, while I think a multipurpose resource is good for some users, I know there are some that just want new games to play, and it could get crowded in there. Of course some users would want to have the full resource. So there's arguments for both.

Anyways... Lile I've said before, My only interest is getting the QDB back in full operation, and keeping it there. As far as helping anyone else with theirs... I simply don't have the time. I've already been asked about doing a redesign for ZC.com by DC. While I didn't rule out the possibility, It's possible that I may not have enough time to do it... And I certainly don't want to commit myself into anything bigger than that. What you're talking about could take much longer to take care of, and I may not have enough time to get involved.

I'm sorry I can't give you a more concise answer at the moment, but that's just the way it is.