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View Full Version : Photoshop Contest #20:

08-16-2002, 01:49 AM
Hi guys...this is my first stint as assistant photoshop contest guru guy.

I was supposed to post this contest earlier, but my home network decided to go poop on itself and I just now got back on the internet, having finally fixed it.

For this weeks competition, there are two picures,




You must use BOTH pictures in a way that is either humorous or insulting.:evil:

The submissions are due one week from today. Please do not post them, rather, PM them to me in a non-bmp format. I promise that I will not view anyone's submissions prior to making my own submission.

Thanks and good luck!:thumbsup:

ps- ah, it feels good to be back on the internet.:)

08-16-2002, 11:12 AM
can you combine the pictures or do they have to be seperate (oo a 2 part contest...)?

08-16-2002, 04:28 PM
The object is to combine them into one overall picture...but I suppose you could do two separate ones if that's what you'd prefer.