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View Full Version : More MM tiles

08-15-2002, 08:22 PM
I told Petoe a few days ago I would make some MM tiles, but I left for two days so I couldn't get much done....but they're done now! Instead of posting them there where only a few people will see them, I'll post them here, so many people will find them. Here they are:

Now these may look a lot like C's MM tiles, cause they are! All I did was edit the colors a load but it's all the same shape and stuff. Well Enjoy!

08-15-2002, 10:12 PM
Good job bro! They look like the old skool MM tiles, neato!

08-16-2002, 01:46 AM
Neato indeed. Now edit his Protoman set. Give him his shield stapped to his back...and make another with his shield up-front. Let's see what you can really do :evil:

08-16-2002, 08:33 AM
heh, I don't think I'd go THAT far quite yet. Those were just editing colors and stuff, but you want me to make him with his shield, and unless I could find his shield sprite.....

08-16-2002, 10:43 AM
Hmmm....those tiles still doesn´t fit into this quest as well as I would like them to, good work though. But maybe I could make some changes myself to those MM tiles, and then it should be a perfect fit!:mega:

08-16-2002, 12:29 PM
You know Peote, if you gave me your pallette, I could probably make something that you might like better.


08-16-2002, 03:47 PM
Well, I really haven´t made a final pallette for MM, so the palette doesn´t matter. I can always change it when I choose the best MM tile.
But about your MM tiles C-Dawg, those are great looking (as I have said), but the look just doesn´t fit with the enemies and the backgrounds. It´s hard to tell ya how I would like MM to look in this quest. I think I just made couple of days ago a fine MM, but with little changes to Dark_Xero´s version I´m gonna make, I think I finally have a MM for my quest!
But I still accept new MM tile suggestions, if you want to make more. But what I really need is some enemies, and especially tiles for a very futuristic looking place with flashing lights, walls of metal, and...I don´t know, just somethng cool (to be Wily´s base)!
I hope that the MM tileset you are making, would help me somehow that I wouldn´t have to use so much time to draw all these damn tiles. But only tiles that are missing anymore, are the tiles for the final place and some enemies(as I said).