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View Full Version : Do I need the Rune of Mantorok?

08-15-2002, 06:47 PM
I was stuck with one of the characters (I forgot which) but when I went searching online for help I also found out that I missed the Rune of Mantorok and I had saved over my previous saves so I'm now screwed. I just don't know if it's vital for the game to have it, because the site I went to made it sound like it was more of a bonus item than anything else.

But once again I am stuck. I'm playing...


...as Michael in 1991 and I just finished placing the 3 statuets in place and got the enchanted Gladius. I can't figure out where to go now. There is a Granite Block in the way of what looks like a ladder leading down, but on the Granite Block is the symbol for Mantorok. I don't know if I need to cast a certain spell or not and I want to break the CD cause I'm so pissed. I'm mad at myself because I missed getting the Rune of Mantorok and I'm stuck on top of that. FUCKING!! Someone help me soon.:(

08-15-2002, 07:44 PM
Well, it is a damn nice rune to have. I guess it isn't required, but it's an awesome rune. For example, using a Mantorok Reveal Invisible will actually turn your character invisible, allowing you to run past most monsters (Trappers, Zombies, Horrors and Bone Thieves at least). Mantorok Recovery or Magick Pool will refill all three meters. Mantorok Sheild will protect you fully against all alignments, etc etc. It's very nice.

As for your question, use a Trapper to move the chest.. I assume that's what you meant. You need to use the Trapper's selection thingy (R button) to target it and then send it to the Trapper Dimension.

08-15-2002, 11:38 PM
No, it's never required. It's just a time saver from then on if you bother to get it. I think Warlock already told you what you need to find it.

08-15-2002, 11:54 PM
I just beat the game and I must say... THE ENDING WAS SHIT!!!!

Pious didn't get the beat down he deserved!!!! AHHH!!!!!

But other than that I was fully pleased with the game. I don't feel like playing it through 2 more times for the ultimate ending. I'm renting it so I don't have enough time to anyway. I'll just read online what happens. Thanks guys.

08-16-2002, 12:00 AM
I've beaten it three times... it is SO much more fun to play the second time because you can actually follow the story (which doesn't make a lot of sense the first time through).

The good ending isn't super amazingly cool or anything, but it does sort of hint at a sequel..

08-16-2002, 03:02 PM
Haha. I just beat Lindsey's chapter a few minutes ago and I got to Mantorok and was about to go through the door then I thought "Oh yeah, what about that little hole upstairs for a 'small dog'?". I'm glad I thought about it or I would've missed it.

08-16-2002, 03:03 PM
I'm sort of surprised you missed it, what with that giant forcefield on top of it and all :D

08-16-2002, 03:08 PM
I didn't miss it, I just forgot that it was there until the end of the chapter. I had heard about the Summon Trapper spell before so I was waiting until I got that to go back to it.

"Mantorok Recovery or Magick Pool will refill all three meters. "

It doesn't recover all three meters. If it refilled Magick, you would basically have unlimited everything. It only refills Sanity and Health. :)

08-16-2002, 03:10 PM
I was talkin' bout Rijuhn..

08-16-2002, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Warlock
I was talkin' bout Rijuhn..


08-16-2002, 04:55 PM
I sort of figured it out the first time through, but since I had to back track so far by the time I got the summon trapper spell I just said screw it, and went on. Then when I heard then Mantorok rune was there, I decided to get it the second time.

One thing I wished they put in was an assult rifle with infinite ammo to use in every level for eternal mode- that would be great. ;)

08-16-2002, 10:52 PM
Don't rub it in Warlock :(. But all is cool now, and I'm sure the story will make 100% more sense than the first time.