View Full Version : How do you make dark rooms?

08-14-2002, 02:21 AM
I'm sort of new to ZC and I've been figuring everything out pretty well so far. I went through the tutorial and understood pretty much everything. However, whenever I try to make a dark room, it is either completely black, or completely visible, but slightly dimmed. Now obviously I want the floor completely black, so that's fine. but how do I make it so the walls are only slightly visible just like in the original Zelda?

08-14-2002, 04:39 AM
If you're in a level, (such as a dungeon) then push the '+' button and draw the walls with those tiles.

08-14-2002, 05:41 AM
Hmmm....That's what I was doing (I think;)). Anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Kirby of Doom
08-14-2002, 11:43 AM
Well, there's a screen flag for dark rooms.

08-14-2002, 12:12 PM
Hehe...I'd be pretty stupid if I couldn't figure that out. No, that's not it either....maybe I should just give up on this whole dark room idea. Unless somebody can figure out what it is I'm doing wrong....

The Savior
08-14-2002, 12:40 PM
Perhaps you could list every step that you're taking, that might help people determine what (if anything) you're doing wrong. What graphics pack are you using?

08-14-2002, 12:46 PM
I believe that if you didn't check the pallete cycling rule, then there should be an option in the palette editor to see what a dark room palette would be like. If you press l on the keyboard you can see ahead of time what the room will look like in the game.

08-14-2002, 01:21 PM

First, is the Interpolated Fading quest rule turned on? Make a note of whether or not it is.

Now, go to the palette editor and look at the level palette for that dungeon...notice the numbers on the left, which tell you which CSet is which...

If Interpolated Fading is off:
See how there's CSets 2 through 4 numbered using white numbers, and then the numbers get darker as they go down the side? That's what CSets 2 through 4 change to as they fade out (when you enter a dark room).
In the original quests, notice how CSet 3 goes totally black during the fade-out, and CSet 2 goes totally black except for one color. This is how they made the walls stay partially lit; dark rooms' floors use CSet 3, and the walls use CSet 2.

If Interpolated Fading is on:
Notice that there is now only one CSet used for a fade-out, numbered with a gray 2. Every color in this CSet that is TOTALLY black (red 0, green 0, blue 0) means that the corresponding colors in CSets 2 through 4 (not just 2, as you would think from the number) will fade completely to black in a dark room. Otherwise, the color just dims.

08-15-2002, 05:22 AM
Well....whatayaknow! I was doing it right...I just forgot that I was experimenting with the rules and left Interpolated Fading on. I turned it off and everything worked perfectly. Big thanks to Hypercrash and all the others that helped me out!