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08-13-2002, 04:42 PM
I thought that one of the main criteria of being a beta tester was to have a great working knowledge of ZQuest as well as ZC. I see people being hired as beta testers that have less knowledge then the regulars that are either being dismissed or removing themselves from the job. I kinda wonder if this is becoming a thing of "Let the new people test. The regulars have already did their rounds."

Edit: No this does not mean I am still mad at the booting of myself, In fact I am posting this to protect the integrity of ZC in general.

08-13-2002, 06:01 PM
Most beta testers have quite a bit of knowledge, whether some are AGN newbies or not. Some people learn the program quickly. Besides that, it's always good to have different kinds of people with different points of view. A ZQ newcomer might see something that a two year veteran would miss.

08-13-2002, 06:46 PM
I think the beta testers most likely know enough to do the job. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the job in the first place.

08-13-2002, 07:05 PM
I know there are people who are new to AGN but still have a great knowledge of ZC and ZQ. That's because some people find ZC before AGN. For example, me. I've had ZC for a long time, and know the program well. However, because I'm a noob at AGN, I betting that people will dismiss me as the kind who asks how to make custom bosses or use layers, or even how to make a cave. Simply put: members who are new to AGN aren't always new to ZC.

08-13-2002, 07:10 PM
Heck, most of the oldbies don't even know as much about zquest(I am an exception). Even Dark Nation didn't know you can copy and paste between quests. Now that's funny!

Kirby of Doom
08-13-2002, 07:25 PM
I'm one one of those ZC before AGN people. The first quest I tried (I never did anything with it) was last modified April 28, 2001, and I did it on 1.84. I only started with the forums last month, which was just a little after I started coming for beta reports.

08-13-2002, 07:38 PM
Heh, I only had a few months of zquest before I regestered. Most of the time I was waiting for custom quests to be released(before zquest was even released).

You guys don't know how much of a luxury zquest is. I remember the time when there wasn't even one public version. I think we tend to take the quest maker for granted a little more than we should.

08-13-2002, 08:22 PM
Yeah. I only had ZQuest for a few weeks before I signed up here. Been about two years since then and I still haven't released a quest (unless you count the parts I did for MagmaLord's group quest), but I know ZQuest like the back of my hand. :)

*looks at his hand*...Now which side's the back?


Originally posted by Jigglysaint
You guys don't know how much of a luxury zquest is. I remember the time when there wasn't even one public version. I think we tend to take the quest maker for granted a little more than we should.

How true. I remember when there was a leak of the not-yet-publically-released editor, so a "bootleg" copy of ZQuest 1.77 was floating around...obviously, some were quite impatient to make their own quests. :laughing:

08-13-2002, 11:34 PM
I know, or atleast knew, just about everything there was about ZQ and ZC. I came here because it was where ZC was. However I've lost alot of interest since then. How long can you keep playing the same game afterall? Still, I know alot about it, but the way they choose beta testers is ussually first based on who they like. If they don't like you then you are screwwed. Expertise is not the top requirement anymore.

08-14-2002, 02:35 PM
There are many criteria in choosing a beta tester, including a willingness to test features and report on them, the knowledge of how to use ZQuest, as well as the integrity not to leak the newest beta to those outside the group.

08-14-2002, 04:18 PM
And who you like best. ;)

08-14-2002, 08:08 PM
No, not who you like...who you trust. And I don't know any of the current beta-testers who don't have a good working knowledge of ZQ.

08-15-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Kirby of Doom
I'm one one of those ZC before AGN people. The first quest I tried (I never did anything with it) was last modified April 28, 2001, and I did it on 1.84. I only started with the forums last month, which was just a little after I started coming for beta reports.

When I first got ZC, from downloading 1.84 off of CNet (Not ZDNet mind you) the first quest I absolutely had to try because I never played it before was the Demo Quest. I figured I saw the first two and I was like "Been there, done that" so I was looking for a new challenging Zelda, which is how I stumbled on ZC in the first place. Even to this day the Demo Quest still holds a place in my heart, hence my name on AGN and GU. Last time I played the DQ was about a few weeks ago.

Originally posted by Starkist
There are many criteria in choosing a beta tester, including a willingness to test features and report on them, the knowledge of how to use ZQuest, as well as the integrity not to leak the newest beta to those outside the group.

I never gave out a beta. The only thing I was accused of that I am being told is allowing Mottzilla to look at the progress weve been making cause I brought up that Jigglysaint was doing excessive whining. He never did download any betas. I figured that Mottzilla wouldn't do anything wrong, except I found out he gave the link to Callitaday. Now unlike some testers gone bad I will admit to my errors.

08-15-2002, 03:47 PM
Believe it or not I didn't download any betas. I have the public 163, thats it. :shrug:

08-16-2002, 09:59 AM
My beta tester dosnt realy have any idea how to use zquest and is still realy good at it. As long as they tell you problems with your quest, and try every nook and crany to seek out the bugs. Thats good enough if U ask me

Dark Nation
08-16-2002, 01:01 PM
You are referring to a quest tester. The general discussion going on is about a ZC tester.

08-16-2002, 05:17 PM
I haven't accused anyone of leaking betas, I merely mentioned that one of the ideals of a beta tester is not to do that.