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View Full Version : My happy ear infection

08-13-2002, 04:02 PM
On Saturday I had my ear pulsing a bit as it was clogged with ear wax, I'm pretty sure it was. Well on Sunday it started to hurt with every beat of my heart, and yesterday at work I was thinking maybe I should call out sick but I endured and went to work.

Last night the pain got worst, and it happened more often and it was 5 times more painful. After putting in ear wax removal shit in my ear twice the pain got 30 times worse. I took some Tylenol and then I went to bed. From then it got 100 times worse.

I was screaming and crying. I felt like I was in living hell. The pain would recend for a few seconds and come back like a needle to the eye with the most violent of force. It had no pattern to the pain, so I couldn't get used to it. I was praying to God, seriously I was, for it to go away or at least be a constant pain (so I can get used to it) or lessen the pain so I could sleep.

Then I tried to bite my arm open so I can focus on the pain on my arm. Then I tried to cut my arm with my fingernails. Finally the pain stopped for a few minutes and I started to drift to sleep.


My brother and his uncordinated self banged into the wall and I jumped awake. I wanted to kill my brother but I got the mentality to let it go and try to sleep again. I dosed off again and then my brother knocked on my door and flung it open and in a hurried and worried voice he whispered like a snake, "Kevin. Kevin. Are you sleeping?!! KEVIN!!!??? HELLO?!"

I screamed him to fuck the fucking fuck fuckey fucking God dammit leave me alone. I will kill you AAAAHGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!HHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I screamed so my dad would enter and get my brother away. My dad came in a got my brother away and he sat on the edge of my bed and stroke my hair and made sure I was alright. He was talking really nicely (is this a word?) and in a sweet tone. I finally got drowsey and my dad left, and told my brother to leave me the hell alone.

The pain continued for another 30 minutes and then I finally went to bed. I got a good amount of sleep and when I awoke this morning the pain was gone. I'm so very happy the pain is finally gone and I'm a bit more relaxed and my long needed plea for help to God has made me realize how great my life has been so I'm very thankful this day. God Bless you all.

I'm going to sign offline now and play Eternal Darkness. I'm soo happy right now I could cry. To any religious person I'll tell them that I felt I was sorta born again. That's how I feel right now.

King Link
08-13-2002, 04:07 PM
I hate ear infections, they hurt a lot. Too bad you had to go through that pain, but at least it's over now.

08-13-2002, 04:08 PM
Heheh For future reference try getting a heating pad or a bottle filled with hot water and put it right under the ear that hurts (so it presses on the tube everyone has. That usually dulls the pain to nothing. Make it hot but not hot enough that it burns or hurts you. I used to have serious problems with my ears when i was younger and this always worked.

08-13-2002, 07:24 PM
Sounds like my old Geometry teacher back in 9th grade... Mr. Cohrs. He always had an inner ear infection and talked too quiet bcause he thought he was talking louder than he was cause his voice echosed in his ear or something. He was a kultz, too. He drawa line on the board using a ruler, set the ruler down, used a compass to draw a circle, set that down on the ruler, and then set 4 markers down on top of it. He then picked up the ruler causing everything to fall on the floor. He oftentimes got stuff wrong too "just to see if we were paying attention."

08-13-2002, 07:28 PM
LoL, Orion :lol:

I had a huge ear infection a little while ago. They suck... but thankfully they do end eventually ;)