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08-13-2002, 11:46 AM
The car traumas continue.

Last week, on Tuesday, I proceeded to take the car in to get the air conditioning looked at AGAIN (it still isn't working). Turns out I waited too long for the day, to come in; I couldn't get anything that day. Took it in early the next day; a multiple-hour job was already in, and the earliest they could look at anything else would be late afternoon. Muttering and sputtering, I left. Calling the next day, I found out they weren't too busy; I jumped on the chance, and I was able to get it looked at around 1. I found, around 2, that a piece they had installed LAST time was missing, and that it seemed to have been blown off by a bad line, or something. They had to order the part in. Shrugging, I said that was fine, and left.

I called yesterday to inquire about the part. It was in; I could bring the car in tomorrow - that is, today - and they would try to figure out what's wrong. (They ordered two of the part just in case they blew another one off while investigating.) I got there this morning to learn that an 8:00 job had come in, and would take six hours. Shaking my head in disbelief, I agreed to call back around 1 (already in town, note) to see if there would be any time today. If not...well, let's say I will have a long day, and will have to try AGAIN tomorrow.

But yeah...this is what my afternoons will be like, basically, if I don't get a co-op. Besides doing any homework, I will be around here on afternoons in the middle of the week. :kawaii:


Kirby of Doom
08-13-2002, 11:50 AM
I'm glad I don't have to worry about that stuff - I don't have a car. (Come to think of it I don't have a license either...)

08-13-2002, 11:53 AM
Oh, the day will come. Trust me, the day will come...


Kirby of Doom
08-13-2002, 11:59 AM
Ya, I could've had my license over 6 months ago, but I never went for it. As for the car, I'm not going to even worry about that untill I'm off to college because I don't need it right now, though it'd be nice to have.

08-13-2002, 12:39 PM
Wow, sorry to hear about your car C. That really sucks. Before you get your DL and a car you don't realize how useful a car is. Then once you lose your car it's like, OMG how am I gonna get around? I'm not gonna be able to do anything, life sucks.And dealing with garages can be a SUPREME pain in the ass.

I feel for you man, life really is a bitch sometimes, ain't it?

08-13-2002, 01:39 PM
Poor Cyclone someone give him a hug! :)

Now I can't wait to get a car, the tales I shall tell my children....

I hope your lck turns for the better Cyc ;)

08-13-2002, 02:23 PM
Heh I would feel sorry for you if it wasnt A/C. Open the windows save your self some serious cash...Unless your leasing of course in which case it should be paid for by warrenty or somethin :P

I bought a Topaz for 1800 bucks Canadian (11 bucks american). Hehe Its fully loaded cept the power locks and the air conditioning doesnt work :)...Im not paying for them though.

Heheh I have already put 450 bucks of a stereo into it. A clarion deck, two clarion 6 by 8s and two clarion 6 inchers. This thursday Im going to get a Clarion four channel amp put in and two 10" sony explodes...I cant wait..

Oh I got the explodes fer 40 bucks each, otherwise i'd buy clarion subs :)