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08-13-2002, 11:25 AM
It's Quite odd that the Simcity 3000 cheat codes don't work properly. I am one of the few gamers in the world who takes pleasure in cheating his/her brains out, for the sole purpose of expanding ones own total control. I wish to not be under the strict boundaries of the game, and to soar free far over those who are stuck to the confines of a measly $50,000 budget. HA! I laugh at them! I shall not be one of them!

But Simcity 3000 took me over the edge. I attempted their measly cheat codes, and I attempted to summon this "Cousin Vinnie." but "Cousin Vinnie," Never called me BACK! However, the get all rewards cheat did work. BUT I HAVE NO MONEY TO SPEND IT ON!!!

So I have two questions for those of you who have endured my harsh criticisms of this delightful game. (Thanks, by the way.)

a) How do you connect building to power lines if the power lines don't cross building over a road, (I know they connect zones, but not over roads easily.

b) What is the proper cheat to get money (and lots of it :D ) if the "Call Cousin Vinnie" Cheat doesn't work?

Thank you. :)

08-13-2002, 02:18 PM
A - You don't need to put power lines between every building. You only need them over unzoned areas bigger than a few squares.

B - Good question. No one knows, I think, and there may well be no such code.
Fund, money, moremoney, broccoli, porntipsguzzardo... None of them. But at least they give you amusing messages.

08-13-2002, 02:25 PM
I know for a fact there is! I just don't know what it is!.......................:lol:

The Savior
08-13-2002, 02:28 PM
How do you know that there is one if you don't know what it is?

08-13-2002, 02:32 PM
I remeber using it once! Nothing ever went wrong! I just have trouble with ALOT of things. Like remebering.

The Savior
08-13-2002, 02:37 PM
This is rich, first you say that you remember using it, then you go on and add that you don't remember things too well. :laughing:

08-13-2002, 02:51 PM
Isn't there a rule that you have to be 13 to join AGN? So how the hell did KINGOFWHATEVERIDON'TGIVEAFUCK get in?

The Savior
08-13-2002, 03:12 PM
It's also a law that ROMs downloaded off the 'net are illegal, but nobody cares about that, either.

08-13-2002, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by DarkDragoonX
Isn't there a rule that you have to be 13 to join AGN? So how the hell did KINGOFWHATEVERIDON'TGIVEAFUCK get in?
Ouch.....that was cold....FYI I am 13.

Edit:as for the savior, It's just a disability I have.

08-13-2002, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by KINGOFALLME2

Ouch.....that was cold....FYI I am 13.

Reeeeaaaaallllyyyy... for once, I do believe I'm speechless.

08-13-2002, 03:49 PM
There's always the "I am weak" code...
That lets you build anything for free. But you still have to pay for other things, so it's hardly the same as infinite money. But it's the closest I know of.

08-14-2002, 01:16 AM
A good way I can think of is this (though you need SimCity 2000 to do this):

Start a city in Simcity 2000 and dont spend a dime.
Get a utility like 2Billion (you might have to look on the Net, search for SimCity 2000 Cheats)
Open the city using the utility by dragging the city file over the exe file for the utility (The city and the utility must be in the same directory, best way to do this is unzip the utility right into the SimCity 2000 Cities directory) to get your money.
Import the city into SinCity 3000 by just loading it into SimCity 3000 from either the utilities folder (or the Cities folder for SC2000 depending on where you put the utility)
Have fun with your newfound riches

Or better still, go to www.megagames.com (http://www.megagames.com) and search for SimCity 3000. They have all kinds of game patches and trainers there.