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View Full Version : Stuck in the dam

08-13-2002, 07:27 AM
Can anybody help me? I have been through the dam numerous
times. Is there anywhere I can go to get the number of bombs
I carry increased from 4 to atleast eight, because I keep having to leave the dam to get more bombs. I have killed the boss,
but I can't find anymore keys, I found another locked door to open but haven't got a key.
There's a chest that I can't get to that's in the center of one of the rooms, but it's one of those rooms where you
fall down because there's no floor surrounding that center area, and that chest probably has a key. Anyone that's finished the dam please help. Want my flippers!:cry: Thanks.

08-13-2002, 10:01 AM
Ah. This was a location that has seriously confused many of us ZCers.

You may want to copy all this to a notepad document. I sure hope I am not doing anything illegal!


Have you found the bomb upgrade in the dam yet for a total of 8? If not, find the room where there are many shelled bugs (stalfos w/ bug graphics) and those two bug faces that shoot fireballs at you. Bomb the north wall, and have at least 50 rupees with you.

Now if you want to find that elusive switch that raises the water level, head back to the entrance of the dam, then head one screen east and onto those stairs. Then find the room with the chest in the middle of the room where you couldn't access it. Bomb the north wall in that room, then be prepared to fight some incomveniently places armos. Defeat them, then head east to find the switch.

Now if you want to access the teleporter that the Aquamentus was guarding, (Which you will have to fight again for some reason once the water level has been raised.) you will need the flippers because the pit tiles surrounding it which have been filled with water have no floating blocks, not does the passage to that room have any way of crossing, so you will need the flippers.

To defeat the boss, which is actually quite simple if you have the bow, which you do, is to first use a combination of boomerang/bow on the tektites, then when the zolas appear (Zoras are the nice ones from OoT, Zolas shoot at you. REMEMBER THAT!)
you can shoot the Zolas or not. but concentrate on the water! Shoot all of the water in the boss room with an arrow! When you hit the right tile, the tektite boss (a tektite From Z3) will show up and call you a mean little boy, then repeat the process. Eventually he will turn belly up and you will have defeated him. You will then be able to step on the switch to unflood the dam (or something like that.) Then you automatically appear in front of the Zora king and the flippers are next to you!


Now later in the game, when you enter the Frogs dream, you will be wandering the desert. You may want to search out the masked frog somewhere, and he tells you where to go. But I will shorten this for you, because it is nothing but aggrivation. If you want 50 rupees, find him B/C there is one in a pot behind him. From the desert cave, head 1 screen right, then about 5 up. (It's a maze.) Then when following the sandworms, go left, down, left.

Mirage Dungeon (Frogs dream)

In Mirage dungeon, when looking for a key, there is a key on the bottom layer under where you started in the layer above it. Just move under the obscured precipice above you to find the hidden key. It should sound like a heart.

There is a hidden relic stone in Mirage Dungeon above the screen with the yellow rupee guarded by a trap. Head north from that screen, there -might- be no enemies here. The try to find a way into the screen to the east, and walk into the middle of the screen, under the pathway, and you will have one of the 11 relic stones. Go redeem it immediately, though.

Crystal land Crypts:

And I advise you not to enter and crypts where invisible enemies are, it may seem tempting for the casual adventurer, but I accidentally picked up a key then exited, and now I am stuck with a key for a future dungeon!

08-13-2002, 11:12 AM
Oye vey. Walkthroughs Anonymous, here we come.

Granted, I may eventually need one if I am to finish the darn thing. :laughing:


08-13-2002, 12:16 PM
Hmm... not terribly thourough (you didnt mention grabbing the two keys in the Dam at all) but this will probably help the dozens of people stuck in the dam.

All I gotta say is, man, if you have this much trouble with the Dam, you'll start going insane in the later levels. At least in the Dam you dont die every five seconds.


Qun Mang
08-13-2002, 01:22 PM
Thanks Britannianhero4. I had finished the Mirage dungeon but hadn't found the relic stone. It sounds like it should have been easy to find, or to accidentally run across at least. I can only hope that the other relic stones aren't a pain to find...

Just curious, C-Dawg- do any of the dungeons (you don't have to say which :) ) have secrets, or even requirements in the black map areas? So far I haven't found it necessary to check those spots, but one never knows... Also, I have run into a few situations where I got trapped and had to do a quit/continue to get out. Should I be mentioning these bugs?

08-13-2002, 03:24 PM
Not all of them have secrets in the dark areas of the map. Some do. Especially the Crypt, which by virtue of being the largest dungeon in the game (well, the way YOU see it. Later dungeons take up a ton more map space) has probably six pieces of heart hidden in it.

If you're stuck somewhere and it's a bug- that is, a tilewarp into a wall, repeating text, stuff like that- report it. If it's a problem with getting stuck in a block pushing puzzle... well, thats just you not being careful ;)


08-13-2002, 03:44 PM
Heh, everyone and their incestual cousin gets stuck in the dam. It took me about 2 hours to figure it out. :laughing:

By the way, here's a tip: Although you can buy a level 2 sword from the whale to the east of Pulcheria, DON'T. You can find one in a pot in the granny's house by the graveyard. You can get it as soon as you get the whistle. The first time I played through, I kicked myself for hours when I discovered that, since I had purchased the sword previously

08-13-2002, 04:20 PM
As a matter of fact, you never need to buy a single item in the whole game. If you find an item for sale, you can be assured that there will be a free one sitting around hidden that you can access at that point of the game or just a few steps further on. But buying it does make your life easier.

Oh, there is one exception- depending on how you try to find the Master Key in the final dungeon, you might need to buy more keys. Other than that, money is for convienance only.


08-13-2002, 04:35 PM
yEAH, I bought the madic boomerang when I got enough money, then found it in the cave two minutes later. Needless to say, I was pissed. The crypt is confusing as well, although it isn't as hard as it could've been (the magic boomerang is the best darn item in the entire game so far :D ). I just want the hammer as quickly as I can so my fightw with Darknuts can go so much quicker. Also, just one questionj, Is Excavation an actual dungeon, or just some gimmick to add a slight amount of replay value to the game?

08-13-2002, 04:37 PM
Neither. Take your Relic Stones back to explore it. You'll find some of the best items in the game there (eventually) and you'll get a great deal of background on Hyrule from the slabs the professors uncover.


08-13-2002, 04:41 PM
THat's kind of what I was getting at. You know, like the large 99 floor dungeon in Lufia 2 that you don't have to do, but is well worth it if you complete it. Oh, and I'm getting one of those wonderful items right after I get the hammer (you know the one I'm talking about :D ). Well, time to play your quest and beat the crypt.

08-13-2002, 04:44 PM
Not hammer. Were-Axe. There is no Hammer in this game ;)


Qun Mang
08-13-2002, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by C-Dawg
If you're stuck somewhere and it's a bug- that is, a tilewarp into a wall, repeating text, stuff like that- report it. If it's a problem with getting stuck in a block pushing puzzle... well, thats just you not being careful ;)

I've run into both types of getting stuck. There's one block room in the mirage dungeon where I've gotten stuck simply because it's too darn easy to push the blocks. I try to avoid the fireballs coming at me and wind up pushing a couple blocks I didn't want to. Oh, well.

More serious is in the excavation site. If you go left a couple rooms from the second archaeologist asking for a relic, there's a room with a zigzagging crevice and an eyegore(?) at the top. If you fall into the hole at the wrong spot (The bottom) you will land inside the wall in the room below and get stuck. Also in the excavation, if you die and continue, you may end up in the room with the three dodongos. If that happens, you don't appear for some reason. Both problems require quitting. In the first case, continuing will get you out of it, but in the second you have to save or retry to get out, starting at home again.

Also, I'm not sure how this happened, or whether I continued or retried for it to happen, but in the mirage dungeon after dying (or was it f6'ing out of a trap?) I appeared at the beginning of the dungeon, only there was a door below where there shouldn't have been. I went through it and wound up by the awakened frog.

New: I was just playing again and found a minor issue in the mines. When I went into level B-1 and found that I already had the map. I didn't think much of it until I entered the room that had the map that I hadn't yet picked up....

08-14-2002, 12:45 AM
thanks for the walkthrough Brit...I was so glad to get to that bomb upgrade and finally get my flippers. Now I'm exploring Muck Madora..now that I can swim...so I can find those dreamers.

08-14-2002, 10:56 AM
I got stuck in the dam as well!