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View Full Version : C's Mega Man Tileset

08-13-2002, 02:44 AM
Okie dokie. Since I'm not going to finish my Mega Man tileset (probably) I've decided to post the sprites and tiles as I finish them. That way, anyone who wants them can at least go grab what I do when I do it. I plan on updating them semi-daily for a week, then probably once a week.

You can download the current tiles (in bmp form for now) at my yahoo breifcase... those of you who care know how to get in. I will probably switch over to a zgp at some point, but since I have so few tiles done now (only five pages... sigh) this is easier as a preview.

Some notes on the set - it's 3/4 birds eye view. Think Final Fantasy 1-6; the facade of walls and buildings facing away from you are blocked from site. This just looks better than the usual Zelda mix of full overhead and 3/4... always did annoy me. There are two important consequences of this that anyone working with this tileset (or parts of it) will need to be aware of. First off, the South wall tiles are usually just a rail of some sort, intended to be drawn on a higher layer than Mega Man. (So it looks like he walks behind the wall a smidgin.) The other issue is that doors will only occur on North walls in this tileset. The tiles that are "dips" in the Southern walls (rails) are meant to be the other side of such doors.

I should get a bunch of different enviroments done eventually, but for now most of the tiles for the Factory and Oil Rig ideas are done. Check it out.


08-13-2002, 03:03 AM
w00t! I am looking forward to some nice MegaMan tiles!

08-13-2002, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by C-Dawg
...those of you who care know how to get in.

Sadly, I have your Yahoo! breifcase stuff memorized. Damn, I'm pathetic.

Originally posted by C-Dawg
(only five pages... sigh)

That's more than I would ever have the patience to do... now I feel REALLY pathetic...

08-14-2002, 11:03 AM
... I don't figure going into the Yahoo! Briefcase!