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View Full Version : Kenage, MO, Toolie, and ZC

Dark Nation
08-12-2002, 10:51 PM
I would like all members of AGN to discontinue their attacks and/or arguments over at MO regarding the latest developments in the AGN/MO/ZC war. Everyone has their opinion by now and defending yours or attacking theirs isn't going to change anyone's minds.

That having been said, let them do whatever it is they are doing. I am beyond caring at this point. Let them disect and study whatever "messy" code they stumbled upon if they wish. It's not relevant anymore as a lot of code has been changed and much has been rewritten from the ground up.

Further, nobody is going to bully or frighten me away from ZC. ZC will live, no matter what. Even if it has to be changed, it will survive. I've made no money or any other kind of gain off of it, so that argument doesn't pertain to me.

Finally, I'm not the least bit scared of losing support for ZC or members of the ZC community. If people leave, it's not likely they were that involved in the first place. If you gain members, even ones who defect from ZC, I don't care.

I'm sick and tired of the constant bickering that is going on because of AGN's and MO's differences. I'm dropping this issue and hope that the rest of you are mature enough to do the same. I'm closing this topic now to prevent it from sparking another debate. If I see any more topics concerning this issue spring up on these forums, I will close them myself.

"You can't argue with silence."

Dark Nation
08-15-2002, 08:43 AM
*sigh* Apparently, I didn't make myself clear. PLEASE STOP HITTING THE WASP NEST (metaphorically speaking). Is that so much to ask? Things were finally starting to return to what passes for 'normal'. Thankfully, Kenage closed the 'AGN in Big Trouble' topic before it got too far out of hand.

So, again, LET IT DROP. By now, everyone knows what horrible people Kenage and I are. No need to keep bringing it up.