View Full Version : Ah, rumors...

08-12-2002, 10:38 PM
I looked up some stuff, online, and found interesting rumors in the gaming world... Remember, these are probably not even true... Some are ridiculous, some are weird, some are cool, but I doubt 95% of these...

Nintendo is trying to make a new GameCube disc that can hold 5 gigabytes, other than 1.5 gig's in a normal 'Cube disc...

Konami is making three remakes for the GameCube... Castlevania: Simon's Quest, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and Metal Gear Solid... The CV's will be in 3D, and Metal Gear Solid will feature new voice work and once you beat the game, you can watch the whole thing like a movie!!!

Dave Mirra XXX will only be for GameCube

XBOX will no longer be sold in Japan

Metal Gear Solid 3 will feature the Taliban... Apparently, the al Quada and the Taliban got a hole of Metal Gear thanks the Iraq, and are ready to do a massive attack against the entire nation...

A 3D Duck Hunt FPS will be made for GameCube... Shoot the damn dog...

Samus can be nude in Metroid Prime.

Dracula X: Rondo of Blood will be on the GBA or PSX.

The PS2's hardware is so advanced, the government wants Sony to limit it in case someone can use it as a weapon.

Atari is making a new console to battle the Next Gen war.

Marolyn Manson is a fan of Resident Evil, GTA3, Castlevania, Devil May Cry, and Luigi's Mansion.

I am Alucard's father... and his uncle... J/K

08-12-2002, 10:54 PM
Simon's Quest would be cool, but I doubt any of them are for real.

08-12-2002, 10:56 PM
The PS2's hardware is so advanced, the government wants Sony to limit it in case someone can use it as a weapon.

Great... Modern warfare, Playstation bombs:laughing: .

Samus can be nude in Metroid Prime.

As much as I wish, I dought it, but maybe it is true:naughty:

Marolyn Manson is a fan of Resident Evil, GTA3, Castlevania, Devil May Cry, and Luigi's Mansion.

I could of never imagined that:odd:

08-12-2002, 11:14 PM
Metal Gear Solid will feature new voice work and once you beat the game, you can watch the whole thing like a movie!!!
Even if the 5GB disc was real, I don't think that'd FIT on one.

XBOX will no longer be sold in Japan
Wouldn't be surprised. Supposedly it's selling really crappily there.

A 3D Duck Hunt FPS will be made for GameCube... Shoot the damn dog...
LOL! I'd LOVE to do that :evil:

Samus can be nude in Metroid Prime.
Knowing Nintendo, this won't happen :blah: .

The PS2's hardware is so advanced, the government wants Sony to limit it in case someone can use it as a weapon.
I hear fanboy talk here ;).

08-12-2002, 11:16 PM
Also, note, I can't link you to where I got these sites, cuz most of them are ROM/Warez sites... That just says "FAKE" all over it...

08-12-2002, 11:18 PM
I dunno, I have seen one instance where a ROM site was posted here already. It wasn't deleted or anything because it wasn't mentioned as a ROM site. I forget why it was linked here though.

08-12-2002, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Dracula

Nintendo is trying to make a new GameCube disc that can hold 5 gigabytes, other than 1.5 gig's in a normal 'Cube disc...

Hmmm, I wouldn't doubt it, but I'm still speculative as to whether this is really possible or not. Only time will tell.

Originally posted by Dracula

Konami is making three remakes for the GameCube... Castlevania: Simon's Quest, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and Metal Gear Solid... The CV's will be in 3D, and Metal Gear Solid will feature new voice work and once you beat the game, you can watch the whole thing like a movie!!!

The Castlevania remakes would be awesome, and I would love to see them. It could happen. As to Metal Gear Solid... I don't know jack about the game so I will refrain from commenting on it right now.

Originally posted by Dracula

Dave Mirra XXX will only be for GameCube

That's nice

Originally posted by Dracula

XBOX will no longer be sold in Japan

Heh, sure. Nintendo doesn't run the country, you know ;).

Originally posted by Dracula

Metal Gear Solid 3 will feature the Taliban... Apparently, the al Quada and the Taliban got a hole of Metal Gear thanks the Iraq, and are ready to do a massive attack against the entire nation...

Heh, that's pretty gay and I doubt it.

Originally posted by Dracula

A 3D Duck Hunt FPS will be made for GameCube... Shoot the damn dog...

Sweet! I always wanted to cap him. *laughs*

Originally posted by Dracula

Samus can be nude in Metroid Prime.

She was in Super Smash Brothers, so I wouldn't put it past that. Of course, that was a glitch, but who knows. It could happen.

Originally posted by Dracula

Dracula X: Rondo of Blood will be on the GBA or PSX.


Originally posted by Dracula

The PS2's hardware is so advanced, the government wants Sony to limit it in case someone can use it as a weapon.

*laughs* What will they come up with next?

Originally posted by Dracula

Atari is making a new console to battle the Next Gen war.

Ummm... no I seriously doubt it.

Originally posted by Dracula

Marolyn Manson is a fan of Resident Evil, GTA3, Castlevania, Devil May Cry, and Luigi's Mansion.

Who cares?

The Savior
08-12-2002, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by paullyo6
She was in Super Smash Brothers, so I wouldn't put it past that. Of course, that was a glitch, but who knows. It could happen.

Care to elaberate on that? :naughty:

08-12-2002, 11:37 PM
The PS2's hardware is so advanced, the government wants Sony to limit it in case someone can use it as a weapon.

I think this was talked about long time ago when the PS2 first came out.

Even if we know the GC, Xbox, and PCs are far more powerful then the PS2. The people in the government are probably the same people who still worry to this day that Doom will make kids grab guns and shot people. :rolleyes:

This just shows you how intelligent they are. :rolleyes: People are worried that they might take away ours rights on the internet. :grad:

Just goes to show you how hype can go a long way. ;)

08-12-2002, 11:53 PM
Select versus mode and choose Samus as your only opponent. This trick is easier if Samus is set as a human controlled player, so she stands still. Next, go to any place (preferably the ship) and fire the PK Thunder at yourself, so Ness slides into Samus. Pause game play right as Ness hits her. If done correctly, Samus will no longer be wearing her suit.

There ya go.

08-13-2002, 12:04 AM
Marolyn Manson is a fan of Resident Evil, GTA3, Castlevania, Devil May Cry, and Luigi's Mansion.

He's also a big fan of children's music.... :eyebrow:

Come straight from his mouth.

08-13-2002, 12:14 AM
You know, as an offshoot to the nude Samus thing (never ever going to happen), I think there is still a very good chance of seeing her w/o her suit ala the Justin Bailey code in the original.. Retro seems like it would be cool like that..

08-13-2002, 12:25 AM
how many of those rumors i wish were true, let me count the ways.....:kawaii: