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08-12-2002, 03:17 PM
i have about 35 midis for grabs, e-mail me if you're after any.

08-12-2002, 03:33 PM
Could you tell us some of the names of the songs and any game you took them from?

08-12-2002, 04:52 PM
How long have you been here?:eyebrow:
Not long by the looks of it. Many other people other than myself would find that 30 midis is..... How can I put it?
Not that big;)
For example, I have 738 midis altogether:kawaii:
But dead again, I to once had 30 midis too:)

But I would still like to add to my colection:D
Here is my e-mail address-My e-mail ([email protected])

08-12-2002, 05:19 PM
I don't believe in these collections by email people talk about anymore...

Someone was going to send me their huge collection with over 1,000 midis by email, but they ended up sending me the shortcut to their folder. Even after I told them that a few times, they still believed they sent the whole package, so I never got it. :sweat:

08-13-2002, 03:11 AM
i have MIDI's like:

LTTP overworld
LTTP dark world
LTTP dungeon (Light world)
Blink 182: all the small things
"Freds mad rampage" overworld
Linkin Park: One Step Closer

and many more, i do know how to send them. but i need a different e-mail to SEND them. AOL is not letting me send files, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:angry:

I got these off Zelda classic quests and some from a website.

08-13-2002, 03:28 AM
uh... more than 30 is a stockpile? I have right about ... let's see.. 203.. I used to have more, but I erased a crap load.

08-13-2002, 03:32 AM
Yeah. I have somewhere in the vacinity of 2000 midis. I don't know where the hell I got them all, but I did.

I have midis for all purposes. And no I can't send anyone 30megs of midis, so please don't ask.

08-13-2002, 03:35 AM
OH! now i remember the website! it was menokh's midishop i got a few of my midis from. silly me forgetting my fave place to grab midi's:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

08-13-2002, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by death2004
OH! now i remember the website! it was menokh's midishop i got a few of my midis from. silly me forgetting my fave place to grab midi's:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

hmm.. so people actually used that. interesting.

And before anyone asks, it is coming back. Poke around in ZC Discussion for more information.

08-13-2002, 10:19 AM
How fortunate we are, to have a fellow member who would send us thirty or so Midis from various already released quests, and from this place's major sources for midis... It would take us MINUTES to get most of the midis he probably is reffering to!

08-13-2002, 11:38 AM
Yes, I too have many midis. Some coming out of my ears, others from... other places. They are too many to count, although I did, and ended up at somewhere around 824, 500 more that my 324 I kept promising but couldn't b/c of my 2k modem. (56k that acts like a 14k, slowed over the PC.)

So thanks, Death2004 for the Midis, but chances are a lot of us have them. So why don't you ask us for a change, and we will probably be so kind as to return your generosity.

*But make sure the person you ask has a fast modem!!!! (LOL!)*

08-13-2002, 04:10 PM
I just got the midis, There are actuly a few good onse that I havnt got, Thanks death :)

08-14-2002, 06:55 AM
ANYONE can easily get the MIDIs they want from vgmusic.com
better than those MIDIs which is probably from there already :)

08-15-2002, 01:37 PM
your welcome blk, and i didnt get these midi's from vgmusic.com. but unfortunatley, i cannot add any more due to the lack of space on the disk

12-05-2002, 02:50 PM
midi man (lol) ([email protected])
my midi's have been updated (2 new ones i think :confuse2: :confuse2:). anyone who wants a booster, the e-mail address has changed, so don't bother dylan10uk because it wil be terminated soon (i think)!