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View Full Version : What Does ROTFLMAO mean or stand for?

08-10-2002, 08:54 PM
What does ROTFLMAO mean anyways? :confuse2:

08-10-2002, 08:56 PM
Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.

08-10-2002, 08:58 PM
Oh, thanks! :blackmage:

I don't know why I put a blackmage there, ah well! ;)

08-10-2002, 08:59 PM
yet another informed person. :kawaii:

08-10-2002, 09:51 PM
if you want info on these things just go to www.acronymfinder.com
although for every single web acronym like that, i've guessed at what it meant and got it right every single time. i'm talented. :tongue:

Zaphod Q. IX
08-10-2002, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Paradox
i'm talented.
really? thanks for sharing.

08-10-2002, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Zaphod Q. IX

really? thanks for sharing.
no problem. anytime.

08-11-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by ZZGundam
What does ROTFLMAO mean anyways? :confuse2:

It means something like "I'm a gay fuck who thinks it's cute to use acronyms."

Maybe I'm overracting a bit, but i despise people who use these cute little online abbreviations. In my experience, these acronyms are used regularly by two breeds of people- let's examine each in turn.

1) AOL Chat Room People

Go into an AOL chat room. I dare you. If your brain hasnt melted out of your ear in the first five seconds, then you're either a fiesty teenager who still believes that the 18 year old blonde your talking to really isnt a 45 year old married man, or you're a 45 year old married woman online because you've grown too hedious to make any real friends. This is pretty much a complete list of people you'll see in AOL chat rooms, and they both know the lingo. They toss it around for completely different reasons, however.

Pock-faced teenagers use acronyms because they figure it makes them look tech-savvy, and so more likely to get some cybersex. Occasionally, these people will load up some program they downloaded that prints "FUCKMEINTHEFUCKASS LOLOLOL" about fifty times, or until their cardboard processor implodes, whichever happens first. Fat older women use this language in some desperate attempt to be cute and fit in with their online posse. This is ironic, because these women are neither cute nor part of any socail group outside of the children they neglect while playing with the computer machine.

2) Battlenet People

If you took Adolph Hitler's only testicle and boiled it in a vat with Pol Pot's last shit, the lard from 10,000 lyposuctions, and fifty developmentally disabled twenty year olds, you couldnt create a mixture as evil, stupid, and utterly depraved as the people who play WarCraft 3 on Battlenet. Here's a basic transcript from my last game of RushCraft3

PrettyPuppy : Hi!
PrettyPuppy : What's up?

(Five minutes pass. I've built a tower and a few workers. Twenty footman rush into my base and I crumble before the onslaught like wax paper under a greasy slice of pizza.)

PrettyPuppy : Hooray.
SoX_D!CKloVeR : STFU noob
PrettyPuppy : Thank you for kicking my ass.
SoX_D!CKloVeR : LOL STUF n***r jew
SoX_D!CKloVeR : ownz gg

Notice how this radiant individual chose to spice up his usual repetoire of acronyms with some racial slurs too, just in case I had any self respect left. Truly, these are some of Gods' chosen people.


08-11-2002, 05:45 AM
Lmao C-Dawg.

You forgot forum people.. we also use LOL; LMAO and thingies like that.. right?

08-11-2002, 12:21 PM
Not the respectable ones, methinks.
