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View Full Version : Question about Intro's

08-07-2002, 09:42 PM
I have been trying to get this to work for almost two days straight(I'd say about 14 hours so far), and I know it's possible because it was done on DOY. Heres what I have right now, this is kinda hard to explain what I want but i'll give it a shot:
I currently have Link starting out and on the first screen you have to slash something with your sword, to make the entry way into this abandoned village. Which before you go there I need to be able to do some kind of Side Warp to get him into a scene with a talking guy, but heres the catch. When I do this theres no guy there that starts talking? I have tried many different room types, I just want a guy to talk(and not on the cave/item screen 80) I dont want to give link any items, or rupees.. I tried just using stuff like "Level 9 Entrance" so that the guy would talk, and then you just turn around and leave and it warps you to a new Dmap. I also can't figure out how to make different caves to goto, the default is screen 80, but to make some variety in different shops, or something to that effect I need to be able to use a different screen than just 80.

Hopefully you can make since of all that, and thanks for any help or information you can give.

Edit: I just thought about one more thing(hopefully not to much more trouble on your part). I had another idea for the intro, have the very first screen be the above, but link to a passage way. Where you can choose where to start at, with 3 different worlds to beat(this was my original idea). But when I try linking to it, the colors mess up and leak walks down from the very top of the screen? I set the blue square flag were it should be, but he still randomly pops up somewhere at the top? I dunno if this a bug or what, but it is very annoying so I quit this and tried the above(I'm having a lot of troubles:angry: ).

08-07-2002, 09:46 PM
Ok, before you can have a guy talking you the Dmap he is on must have a level number.

08-07-2002, 09:50 PM
Edit: Just realized what you meant, but arn't there only 9 levels? Or can you use 10-?? also?

08-07-2002, 10:23 PM
*Double Post*

zora man
08-07-2002, 10:33 PM
*Double Post*
What was the piont of that you didn't even say anything.0_o

08-07-2002, 10:37 PM
I edited the double post to say that...

But I got the dmap thing to work thanks for the help Praethus2, but anyone know about what I edited after the first part?

One more question after the guy gets done talking the area is blocked above him, so Link gets stuck(He walks down from the top, then the guy starts talking. But when the guy stops all you can do is look back and forth since it acts like theres something all around you).

08-07-2002, 11:57 PM
Use layers.

Cinema scenes are all basically done in the same way. On the actual screen Link is standing on while the Cinema events happen, have Link start surrounded by stair combos. Ensure that Link has to TILE WARP into the room, so the player can't go back the way they came. So, no matter what direction the player pushes, Link will warp again, got it?

Then, on a layer drawn so it completely covers the first layer, draw your scene. Have a copy of Link standing there if you like, have your dude talking, whatever.


zora man
08-08-2002, 12:23 AM
Check c-dawgs project Z it's a exelent example.
He uses an intro for hts quest and other stuff happens.:)
What are you doing reading this go dl it!!!

08-08-2002, 01:32 PM
I figured out some things about layering, and I'll check out the Project Z quest to hopefully help with what I dont understand since I can't explain it in words(You'd probably have to see it to know what I mean).

Also thanks for the help!