View Full Version : Wow, it happened so fast...

08-04-2002, 05:49 PM
Earlier today, me and my parents went out to lunch then to Toys R Us to buy a present for this girl who is gonna have a baby...

Anyway, we get there and I asked my mom if I could get a memory card for my GC. She said yea so after we got baby shower present, we went to the video game section. I show her the memory card and she asked the dude behind the table to get it. While she's buying the stuff, me and my dad were looking at GBAs...

suddenly, I hear my mom asking me something and I just said yeah. When I went to the register the guy gave the bag and gave my mom this paper. On the way to the car, I found out that I said yes to my mom to preorder me Super Mario Sunshiine. o.0

I look inside the bag and now I am the owner of an official limited edition Super Mario Sunshine beach towel. Bleh.

Out of that wierd moment, I gained more than just a memory card. :o :)

08-04-2002, 06:58 PM
Congrats. It pays to listen to your parents...or not :) . My parents would expect me to buy the game myself.

08-04-2002, 07:11 PM
My parents usually buy me most of my stuff, but they have already spent like $1000 on me this year alone (bass guitar + computer), so now they are getting a little stinjy, heh.

King Link
08-04-2002, 08:23 PM
Sounds cool. I recently received in the mail a cool Mario Sunshine offer for a bunch of SMS stuff including a guide, the game, memory card and a bunch more stuff for only a hundred dollars.

08-04-2002, 10:05 PM
I'm getting the pack. Good job you got more than what you expected. :D

08-04-2002, 10:15 PM
you got lucky, I wanted a towel.....

I really did want a towel!!


I must've missed something

08-04-2002, 11:01 PM
Yeah you missed the towel.

If I had a GC I would buy Mario Sunshine. With all the good games coming out for GC in the next few months this is probably the time to get a GC, even though I can't afford it.

08-04-2002, 11:54 PM
The looks good enough to tear open from it's bag. :P

08-05-2002, 03:03 AM
if only i would make up my mind on what system to buy...
i mean, why cant they just have a port of every game on every system? (although that would defeate the purpose behind lotsa things, but still)
life could just be made a whole lot simpler, but thats awesome that you gotta free copy of SM Sunshine, i gotta buy all my own stuff... that woulda beeen a blessing (but hats also provided that i have a gamecube :P )

08-05-2002, 11:51 AM
Heh. Cool. Just remember not paying attension won't always work out so well. :p