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08-03-2002, 11:40 AM
Okay.... first off, let me say that my parents left town for the weekend at about 1:00 PM (CDT) yesterday and are to stay gone until 5:00 PM (CDT) tommorow or later. This allows me to be on AGN, which I ordinarily can only do by quietly staying up past the time they go to bed and then sneaking into bed later. Anyway, I have no such concerns today, nor did I yesterday, and had stayed up until 5:00 AM. I was wide awake again, having gotten a kind of 'second wind', and considered staying up and seeing what sleep deprivation was all about. After giving some thought to the matter and discussing it loosely in chat, I decided "What the heck," and proceeded to stay awake. I had a rather good conversation with balzac going in private messaging, and didn't start feeling sleepy at all. Sleep deprivation was interesting; it felt like the middle of the night even once the sun was completely out, some of the blood in my vains felt nicely cold, and I found myself no longer bored by songs that usually leave me with nothing but a 'blah' feeling. Of course, as I'm enjoying all this my sister has to get up to prepare my grandfather's breakfast. I knew this was going to happen, and had considered the circumstances; addmitting that I'd stayed up all night risked getting in trouble, staging having gone to bed would be too difficult, and there was no way she'd believe I'd gotten up early. Therefore, faked having fallen asleep at the computer. Anyway, she got up, found me 'asleep' at the computer, and sent me to bed because she didn't want my grandfather seeing me asleep at the computer for some reason. I went and layed down for a while, not trying to go to sleep (knowing that I would probably sleep in late and miss half the day if I did) and would then get up and say I'd awoken and couldn't get back to sleep. Anyway, I wouldn't have been laying down, but I was afraid she'd come in and check on me.... and I think you can probably guess what happened next. If not, I'll tell you: I FELL ASLEEP!!! I woke up at 10:00 AM only to find this out. Quickly, I got up, made sure she was gone, and checked chat. It seems I left at the worst possible moment in the conversation with balzac and he thinks he offended me, Fiyer (whom I've wanted to come to be on better terms with) wanted to talk to me but had given up because I wasn't there, and I lost all feeling of sleep deprivation. All for three *#$@!! hours of completely unwanted sleep. And to top it all off, while I was typing this message I neglected to check chat and just now found that Fiyer joined and left the channel again.


King Link
08-03-2002, 11:46 AM
That's kind of strange, you've gotta admit. But I'm sure balzac and fiyer will understand if you explain it all. Still, we need to sleep, right? Can't be blamed for that.

08-03-2002, 11:52 AM
Don't cry Jenny, I'm coming!

08-03-2002, 11:54 AM
You need to sleep atleast a few hours a day. :p Just awhile ago I was sleeping like all day. :p

08-03-2002, 11:54 AM
But If I'd just sat up while I waited, I would have been able to get out of there sooner and maybe be able to answer balzac in time and almost definatly have been able to talk with Fiyer... and felt what a full day of sleep deprivation was like, definatly.... now it'll be who knows how long before I get any of these things done, and in the meanwhile I'm warm and sweaty from sleeping and have disgusting, crusted-on drool stuck on parts of my face.

Putting that aside, what's kind of strange?

08-03-2002, 11:59 AM
I actually pulled an all nighter....I was playing Zelda: OoA on my laptop all night...I had Ranch Doritos and a coke for breakfast....so I'm very awake....

08-03-2002, 12:08 PM
I've stayed up and not gone to sleep nights before. For instance the 4th of July in 2001 I never went to sleep. I think I had a nap in the afternoon on the 5th instead. I'd really rather sleep than stay up all the time.

08-03-2002, 12:11 PM
I love to sleep except my problem is, it is hard for me to fall asleep. Even if I was in the most comfortable bed. I usually listen to music to fall asleep.

08-03-2002, 12:19 PM
Have you tried being tired? ;p I have noticed the best way to readjust your waking hours is to start by just getting up earlier and doing things so you'll be tired earlier and be able to go to sleep. But ya, recently I've found it easier to wake up around 9 by leaving my PC on with the task of waking me up at a certain time, i.e. and alarm clock, but my speakers can be REALLY loud and I've got hell of MP3s good for waking someone up. ;p So Around 9 my PC is set to play Feuer Frei by rammstein. Funny thing is I'm ussually awake before it goes off, same with my alarm clock. I'm always awake it seems awhile before they go off.

08-03-2002, 12:31 PM
i love to sleep and could be ready to pass out from being so tierd but as so as i lay down it fells like i just woke up. unless i lay down during the day because i have no trouble sleeping during the day.
and sleep deprevation is nothing special.

08-03-2002, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
Have you tried being tired? ;p I have noticed the best way to readjust your waking hours is to start by just getting up earlier and doing things so you'll be tired earlier and be able to go to sleep. But ya, recently I've found it easier to wake up around 9 by leaving my PC on with the task of waking me up at a certain time, i.e. and alarm clock, but my speakers can be REALLY loud and I've got hell of MP3s good for waking someone up. ;p So Around 9 my PC is set to play Feuer Frei by rammstein. Funny thing is I'm ussually awake before it goes off, same with my alarm clock. I'm always awake it seems awhile before they go off.

but turn the damn thing off, and you wake up 3 hours later, try it :sweat:

08-03-2002, 01:54 PM
You do NOT want to know me from university...I was sleeping all over the clock, and missed classes regularly thanks to it. All because of the busy time online on my lists, after midnight.

Now, I did a couple of all-nighters back then, too...and one day, my parents picked me up and expressed their concerns, thinking I was doing drugs. Needless to say, I'm like, "Hell no"...

University was useless, NEway; even when I went, I learned all of nothing since day 1. Even two tries at a Java class did me no good, because I just couldn't figure it out. All the deadlines and such didn't help me out in any way..."This assignment must be in the drop box by so-and-such or it won't be accepted." Fine, so you don't want it dropped off in your office...fine...and I spent one night working on this damn thing, because I knew there was no way in hell I'd make it work.


08-03-2002, 05:25 PM
Turn what off? I always would turn my alarm off and still not want to get up. PC though is different.