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View Full Version : For those who wanted a more realistic style Link...

08-02-2002, 01:29 PM
The GC version (it is also coming out for X Box and PS2) of Soul Caliber 2 is gonna have Adult Link as an unlockable character. Cool, huh? I'm looking for a screenie of it but no luck. I really want this game now cause I liked it for DC and I'll like even more for GC and Adult Link. :P

08-02-2002, 01:35 PM
Link will not appear on the PS2 or the Xbox... it's still a rumor even that he's in the GCN version as well.

08-02-2002, 01:49 PM
That's what I meant. :P

Anyway. Since Nintendo, Namco, and some other company joined forces in the arcade business to make the Triforce hardware....it's probably is true. In Tekken 4, there's this little orange dinosaur you can unlock that is a Japanese comic book character and it has no it is somthing made by Namco.

More proof (from IGN):
"And before you ask, no, there was of course no sign of Link in the version we played. It will be interesting to see how Namco is planning to integrate Nintendo's Hylian swordsman into the GameCube version. I'm sure he will have his own character model, but I would be surprised if he ended up with his own motion captured moves, weapons, and play-balance. Rather, I expect they'll base him off of one of the existing characters, just as Lizard Man was a clone of Sophitia, Rock was Astaroth, and so on."