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07-31-2002, 05:56 PM
Hey do you guys out there see any problem with calling the pink Game Boy Advanced a Game Girl Advance? I'm just (sort of) surprised that they haven't done that cause why would guys be offended especially when they've been called Game BOYS all the while, plus what guy would buy a pink one. I'm not like a female activist or anything, but I think it would be cool.

07-31-2002, 06:08 PM
I actually think that's a good idea, but I guess no one really brought it up so it was never an idea. I wouldn't mind then calling it that, I'd just have to remember they have Gameboys and Girls. Which is a bit confusing to those who don't know. That could be your own pet name for it at the very least.

07-31-2002, 07:29 PM
personally i think that it would be one of the more logical things that Nintendo could do, but then again if you ever leave it up to just the corporation to employ logic, well... needless to say: your gonna be dissapointed cuz it just aint gonna be happening'

07-31-2002, 10:02 PM
Some people, when the GBA first launched, had to get stuck with buying a Fuchsia colored GBA if they wanted one at all(like I almost bought). Having it further be called a game girl would only continue to challenge the sexual security of those who got stuck with a Fuchsia colored GBA.

07-31-2002, 10:18 PM
I had a pink GBC cuz I stole it from BlockBuster and that's their standard issue color... and yes I didn't feel right playing it around people =/

07-31-2002, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
I had a pink GBC cuz I stole it from BlockBuster and that's their standard issue color... and yes I didn't feel right playing it around people =/

Well that was nice to do DC ;)

Anyway, great idea lily. But i dont think discrimination to boys would be good either. I mean girls dont mind playing a color of boys, but if the the boy was stuck with only a pink GBA and it was really called Game Girl Advance, I dont think he would play it around people because hed be embarrased. Its like a girl can buy boy toys(trucks,soldiers,etc.) But boys wont buy girl toys(Dolls,Barbies,makeup,etc) So its kinda the same.

07-31-2002, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
I had a pink GBC cuz I stole it from BlockBuster and that's their standard issue color... and yes I didn't feel right playing it around people =/

Look at it this way: They charged me unfair late fines, and you just collected on them in the form of a gameboy and I let you keep it because I kick ass like that.:)

King Link
08-01-2002, 12:14 AM
It's interesting and just purely makes sense. And I don't think anyone would really find it insulting anyway.

08-01-2002, 07:50 AM
You may think it's a cool idea for sexual equality, but really it creates inequality. It's saying that girls are always pink. Now, calling all GBAs Gamegirl Advances would be another matter entirely.

Incidentally, wasn't there actually a Gamegirl on the market at one point? Or is my mind making things up? O_o

08-01-2002, 09:49 AM
I think there was a GameGirl at some point but I don't really remember.

It would be a pretty cool idea to have a pink GBA called GameGirlAdvance. I think Nintendo thought about it but because they would technically produce a new product it might confuse some people.

If it makes you feel more sexual equality then get a magic marker and scratch out boy and put in Girl. :tongue:

08-01-2002, 11:13 AM
I could not find a gaming unit that was GG but there is a game called "Barbie Game Girl".
If it makes $ I'm shure Nintendo would do it, but anymore marketers resurch everything to death and even thou it sounds like a good idea to us, they may not do somthing like this, 'cus like it or not most players are guys.

08-03-2002, 12:17 AM
Cool thoughts. It does make sense that you shouldn't call only the pink one GGA because that would be limiting, and I should know because I always said blue was my favorite color when I was younger.

Anyway it was just a thought because I call mine Game Girl.