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View Full Version : Mario Sunshine commercial

07-30-2002, 08:12 PM
Now I'll admit, I'm excited about Mario Sunshine, but the new commercial I saw for it is soooooo queer.

You guys will understand when you see it. Let me know what you think.

Dart Zaidyer
07-30-2002, 08:38 PM
The hype surrounding Mario Sunshine is a bit over-the-top. I got some mail from Nintendo today that plugged Sunshine in a REALLY dippy way while trying to mention the new bundle they've put together.
But don't let it discourage you, it promises to be an excellent game.

07-30-2002, 09:45 PM
It looks awsome, I'm gettin the pack. And I can't wait to see the commercial, hasn't aired here yet...

07-31-2002, 12:55 AM
The commercial is aweful.

But besides that the game looks awesome. I'll definately be getting it come the end of August.

07-31-2002, 10:31 AM
WTF???? the commercial is so gay...if i didnt know that the game kicksass arleady id be totally turned off. at first i thought it was gonna be cutsey-badass like the commercial for smash 1. but nope.....just gay...

07-31-2002, 12:42 PM
My girlfriend is getting SMS for her gamecube so maybe I should tell her dont pay attention to the commercials

07-31-2002, 01:04 PM
I'm buying a GC just for SMS ( and Zelda, and Metroid, and a few more).

I haven't seen the commercial yet, but it won't discourage me anyway.

07-31-2002, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by allyourmoms
WTF???? the commercial is so gay...if i didnt know that the game kicksass arleady id be totally turned off. at first i thought it was gonna be cutsey-badass like the commercial for smash 1. but nope.....just gay...

I know man. I mean, the Smash Bros commercial had people in big suits dressed like the Nintendo characters, romping in a field. That one was funny cause they started to kick the crap outta each other. But this Mario Sunshine one is just retarded.

I definitly think this is not a good way for Nintendo to promote it's biggest franchise. Nintendo should stick with those commercials with stuff inside big glass cubes, those are cooler.

07-31-2002, 03:48 PM
It seemed pretty gay the first couple times I saw it, but the more I watch it (I downloaded it off the internet) the more it seems like a parody of those dreadful commercials for Barbie dolls and such. To begin with, the last shot (of the Gamecube with the waterfall in the background) is a perfect imitation of little children's action figure commercials. There's other things, like when the people are coming over the hill, there's a guy on a golf cart or something on the right, and what appears to be a couple of construction workers holding hands at the left.

*Shrug* Or maybe NOA's advertising agency just ballsed up big time. But that's certainly no reason not to get the game.

07-31-2002, 04:09 PM
For people who haven't seen it yet, you can watch it here (http://members.aol.com/narbosa/mario.rm).

"Clean is better than dirty and dirty is meaner than clean!"

07-31-2002, 04:15 PM
Its more like a "Mario saves the environment" game :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit: Teddy..You are thinking the way I am..I would get a GCN even if only for Metroid

07-31-2002, 05:20 PM

that is so freakin dumb... Vegeta is right, stick to the 'cube' commercials

07-31-2002, 11:39 PM
Kid's game.

08-01-2002, 01:01 AM
this is chat transcript taken from #Studio64, a IRC channel on Studio64's IRC Server taken on 8/1/2001 between 12:47 and 12:58 PM.

real media is crap
*** Bane[fud] is now known as Bane
<Lakitu7> Oh, I had it
<Lakitu7> ZThat wasn't so bad
<Dylab> That was a craptastic commercial
<Dylab> zzzzzthat was awful
* miso_hawny :: track11->
<miso_hawny> awesome
<Lakitu7> It's worse because it's so short
<Dylab> Yes
<Dylab> I thought there was going to be some stupid ass joke
*** Mike_Works has quit IRC (Quit: )
<DemoQuest> "Clean is better then dirty, and dirty is meaner then clean. Let's all lend a helping hand, Mario can't do it alone. His spray is water to fly around and cleans up sludge thats on the ground."
<DemoQuest> im sorry but that is so stupid
<Dylab> But really... Its Mario
<DemoQuest> basically its called "Let's put Mario in an environmentally friendly game"
*** Lakitu7 changes topic to 'Clean is better then dirty, and dirty is meaner then clean. Let's all lend a helping hand, Mario can't do it alone. His spray is water to fly around and cleans up sludge thats on the ground.'
<DemoQuest> have him clean up the environment
<Dylab> It can show a donkeys ass for 15 seconds it they wanted too..
<aw-aw-aw> http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306910.avi <- avi format (http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306910.avi)
<Sigma> rerun of conan now
<Sigma> its the one where he is on the Marta Stewart show
<Sigma> haha
<Lakitu7> nice
<Lakitu7> thanks aw-aw--aw
<Dylab> mmm I think they need to force Andy to come back to his show
<DeathscytheFish> no
<DeathscytheFish> more andy richter shows
<Suboptimus_Prime> Masa
<DeathscytheFish> that's what we need
<Suboptimus_Prime> send me that song, I don't have it ;_;
<Dylab> Did Fox not cancel Andy Richter yet?
<DemoQuest> the real line is :He'll spray his water to fly around"
<AquaTNET> Was his show cancelled, or will it be continued next season?
<Sigma> I think it is still a midseason replacement
<Lakitu7> You know, the rm version of this looks almost the same for way less disk space
<Lakitu7> But I Hate real, so I'll keep the avi
<Lakitu7> Hagte with a capital H
<Lakitu7> heh
<Lakitu7> Stupid typos
<AquaTNET> ahaha
<DemoQuest> the avi is more graphiocally choppy at the beginning though
*** Retrieving #studio64 info...
<Lakitu7> Dammit, I don't want both versions of this stupid thing
<Lakitu7> Screw it. I still have real
<DemoQuest> now if I can correct the line in the topic
<Suboptimus_Prime> You guys have SHITTY conversations when I'm not paying attention.
<Lakitu7> Sure. go for it
<Suboptimus_Prime> Talk about cool stuff
<DemoQuest> cant
<DemoQuest> you have a +t on here
<Sigma> so, what about that popular rts/mmorpg?
<Suboptimus_Prime> I hear it's fun
<Suboptimus_Prime> and also popular
<Lakitu7> By "go for it" i meant you type the changes and I do the command
<Sigma> yes
<Sigma> I've heard the same thing
<DemoQuest> the real line is "He'll spray his water to fly around"
<DemoQuest> you know where that goes I assume
<Dylab> Is pokemon still popular these days?
<Sigma> not really, it is waning
<DemoQuest> the AVI sounds better
<Dylab> really
<Sigma> but the next round of youth with gba's and a new gba pokemon will end that
*** Sk8 has joined #studio64
*** MrFace sets mode: +v Sk8
*** Lakitu7 changes topic to 'Clean is better then dirty, and dirty is meaner then clean. Let's all lend a helping hand, Mario can't do it alone. He'll spray his water to fly around and cleans up sludge thats on the ground.'
<Suboptimus_Prime> NATE PLEASE DON'T BE AWAY
<Dylab> PRobably right
<DeathscytheFish> sweetness... sequel to Shanghai Noon is coming out in December called "Shanghai Knights"... "this time, they take their exploits to ENGLAND"
<Sk8> i thought it was Nights
<DeathscytheFish> Knights
<DeathscytheFish> because they are in ENGLAND
<Sk8> whatever
<Suboptimus_Prime> Jackie Chan must die, have you seen his new movie?
*** Kevyn has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

08-01-2002, 01:59 AM
I think it was that dumb voice that was saying "Clean Mario, clean!" more than anything. I just know they could've done better.

Hey, remember the Mario Kart commercials? :lol: those were awesome

08-01-2002, 04:29 AM
Almost as funny as those old DBZ Action figure commercials... "Life-Like fighting action!" (Shows two figurers being hit together by some kid)

That commercial seems to ba a parody...

King Link
08-01-2002, 03:15 PM
Although ads are often cool or really set up to be hype-builders, I don't usually count on the ads to inform me or get me interested in a game. I find other information beforehand, then buy the game. SMS looks awesome and I haven't seen the ad yet, so I won't let it, when I see it, sway me.

08-01-2002, 04:51 PM
The ad is incredibly gay. The Ad and Gay could go to the movies together and Gay could wear an "I'm With Stupid" T-shirt.