View Full Version : d Lnux hlp..

07-29-2002, 05:11 AM
Ive just installed RedHat Linux... OH JOY!...

The trouble is, I dount understand what all these librarys like SDL and GTK are, or even more importantly, how to install them. And I cant figure out how to compile games and such, even with RPM, sure, I can gunzip and tar -xh (? its late, that may be wrong) ut where should i be putting these games?

Oh yeah... how do I switch between GNOME and KDE?

In other words I'm looking for a good all-around tutorial for Redhat Linux... Anyone know of one?

07-29-2002, 01:10 PM
This may seem overly obvious.
But as is true with many other things, a good book can help alot. For RedHat Linux, I'd recomend the Red Hat Bible. It costs about 40 dollars but is well worth it; it is a huge book, but probably has everything you could ever need to know. There are a few versions of it, so get the one that deals with Red Hat 7.3(if you use that one).

Remember one thing. Linux is no harder than Windows, you are just not used to it. Learning Linux can be compared to learning Windows when used to Macs.

Fatty Lumpkin
07-29-2002, 01:45 PM
Don't get Linux for Dummies. It sucks big time, in my opinion. My brother got it for me for Christmas (because it came red hat), and it's not worth the $30.

07-29-2002, 03:37 PM
Thanks... and sorry about the yopic title, its seems that I was at the edge of my range for my wireless keyboard. I'll be looking for that book at my library, after checking their online catalog, They dont have Red Hat Bible but they have Learning Redhat Linux, which I am reserving as we speak.

Yeah... my library has an online catalog www.krl.org ...neat huh?