View Full Version : sword flag

07-28-2002, 12:26 PM
I want to make it so, when you hit a crystal, it will light up and a block will dissapear.But when I slash at the crystal,the block will dissapear but the crystal appears as a grey square, How do I make the crystal change so it lights up?

07-28-2002, 02:24 PM
Set the lit crystal as a secret combo, and put the flag for the secret combo on the crystal.

07-28-2002, 02:42 PM
Yes, make it the Sword secret combo and flag 79 (sword).

07-28-2002, 04:12 PM
Thanks, I have got it working now:D
I didnt know there was a sword secret combo, when I read the help, I thought it was a combo on the list when you are editing a tile:rolleyes: