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View Full Version : Old Pics, New Pics, A Must See :)

07-27-2002, 12:39 PM
Early in July the family went to Yellowstone National park in Colorado USA.
On the first roll of film were several pics from the AGN Convention.
And here they are. Some shots I took and was hoping for better results came out crappy. I took some of JJ and foxy and for some reason the flash washed them out to the point you could not even see the fetchers of their faces, kind of bummed me 'cus they would have been great pictures.
Anyway here are some more Camp AGN pics for your enjoyment.

http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/DP.jpg Darkpanther
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/DS and Toolie.jpg Darksaaid and Tollie
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/JJ and Foxygrl.jpg JJ and Foxy (warshed out - bummer)
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/SB.jpg Daddy Shaowblazer
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/The AGN Crew.jpg Umm...like the link said...the Crew.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/WL.jpg Warlord
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/Zaph and ck.jpg Zaphod Q. IX and cyberkitten

Here are some shots of our vacation at Yellowstone if you care to view them.
They are not too bad and may alleve some of your boredom, that is if you’re at all bored.

AGN Invades Yellowstone.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/AGN invades yellowstone.jpg Watching our backs as the invasion beginns.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/Jemsee and Cecil at yellowstone.jpg Jemsee and Cecil at Yellowstone.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/AGN hanging at yellowstone.jpg Just hanging out.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/Bufflow for dinner.jpg Buffalo were roming around our camp, some came as close as 10 feet.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/bison and swimming.jpg A buffalo and a swimming hole we found. The water was like a warm bath, it was water from all the hot springs. Even Old Fathfull empted into this river called Firehole River.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/old fathfull.jpg Speaking of which...Old Fathfull
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/dragon's mouth spring.jpg One of many hot springs in the area.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/Fire at yellowstone.jpg Whyle we were there a fire was burning and consummed several acres of forest. I got some flames actualy leaping into the sky on our video recorder.
http://www1.evertek.net/~gchalland/TempPics/Park sign and swiming.jpg We spent our last day at the swimming hole and took a pic of this sign when we left.

We had a rely nice time. I met my brother out there, have not seen him for about 3.5 years, so that was nice too.
We went boating, hiking, shopping (of course, got a nice hat) and just sat around the camp fire. The stars were so clear too, maybe b/c of being higher up, saw a meteor shower and a satellite pass over head. Was cool.

07-27-2002, 12:43 PM
I tried looking but "the requested document cannot be found". They sound interesting though.

07-27-2002, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by slothman
I tried looking but "the requested document cannot be found". They sound interesting though.

I checked them all and they work for me.
Could you not open any of them?

07-27-2002, 01:20 PM
They are fine for me, except for the Daarkseid and Toolie. There's something over Daarkseid's face, but I guess that's intentional.

07-27-2002, 02:47 PM
I tried it again. I think it is the spaces in some of them. When I substituted "%20"'s for the spaces they worked. It is probably just my browser that doesn't like spaces.

07-27-2002, 03:05 PM
Darksaaid and Tollie

Who are those? (Double typo :laughing:)

My browser accept the spaces..

Jemsee, you should try to start to change the spaces for _(underlines)

07-27-2002, 03:13 PM
whoa! That's a wicked pic of that buffalo...

You have a great looking family, Jemsee.:)

And yellowstone looks absolutely beautiful.

07-27-2002, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Darunia
Jemsee, you should try to start to change the spaces for _(underlines)

Yea I know I kind of screwed this up with the names of the pics,
But I saved the pics in one format and then tried to make them look better. Usually I make small filenames with no spaces for web use, but this time I just dragged the pics over to my host.
I saw at that time that I did not change the file names and wondered if it would even work. Well it did for me so figured it would for everyone.
I'll not do that next time I post a link to pics.
Sorry for any hassle it caused.