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View Full Version : My letter about teen's sexuality

07-23-2002, 12:26 AM
I recently read two articles by a man I do not like, Mr. Garfield of the Charlotte Observer. Here they are:
(reading the bottom one made me want to yell at that bitch who was talked about)
Anyway, their about how teens see too much sexuality these days. Here is my letter to Mr. Garield:

I am sick of hearing about "protecting our sons" from things on the internet, TV, etc. As a son, I am tired of hearing that phrase used. The only thing you need to be protected from on the internet is those internet stalkers we hear about, and any person who follows reasonable guidelines can avoid them. But from ographic material? Take it from me, nobody needs "protection" from that. I find it to be perfectly harmless, and a way to relieve "curiousity", as people such as you would most likely put it.

Again in your article, I see the word "endanger". What exact danger are we facing here, Mr. Garfield? Not one I can see. And I would question why a mother takes it upon herself to protect her son. She was never a young male, at least we would hope not (thats a joke), so I think it should be the father's job to perhaps have a man-to-man talk with his son about his and the family's virtues, but a mother on some crusade to protect her son? I groan thinking about it.

Now, I can sympathize with some things. I too do not like seeing ual content on family shows, as it is quite ackward to watch them with my parents and family. But while I am alone, or with friends, they are fine, even enjoyable, and humerous. I would bet it is the same for our parents. What, shocked that I can be so honest? So who are they to restrict our viewing of them, when we are in a possition and state of maturity to enjoy them as well as they do?

I think one cause of this may be selfishness. Mothers can't bare to think of their kids seeing these things, but the truth is I am not confortable thinking of my mother seeing these things either. This is perfectly natural, an aversion nature creates between parent and child. But we should not make restrictions based on this.

In conclusion, all you angry mothers hell bent on a crusade of purity should give it a rest. Worried for the "saftey", as you would put it, of your son? Take it from me. I am prefectly safe, having never sustained injury while viewing the things you're so against. If anything, be glad your son is not out having , and is saftley at home in front of the TV or computer, when he can't impregnent a young woman.

I ask that if you post this, you do not post my email adress, or name. Refer to me as John Dough if you want, so that way I would recognize it. If people send in replies to what I've said, I would appreciate it if you showed them to me in some way. Thankyou for your time.

I included the last so people who I didn't want to could not identify me. (my parents, for example ;))
But anyway, that woman in that article made me SICK. I tried not to be too rude in my letter, which was quite hard, as I have some very negative adjective for that woman. Foxy Girl, do not ever be like that woman to your son. Feel free to send my friend Mr. Garfield your mail talking about your feelings about that woman.

EDIT: Later, after fully reading the first article, which I had not done before, I added this:
This is my second letter. I did not intend to write another, but I had not fully read the first article before sending it, so I just have to rant after seeing that. I wrote that one in mind to be suitable for public viewing, but I just need to rant now. My thoughts after seeing that article? They were "God, what a bitch!". Pulling a sales clerk aside to ask him if he enjoys seeing a cover with an attractive woman on it? I have news for that woman: Any heterosexual male WOULD indeed enjoy seeing a scantily clad attractive woman. Hell, how do you think our species reproduces? And asking her 11 year old how it makes him feel when seeing that picture? I have some advice for that kid, that I learned long ago: do not discuss that type of thing with your mother. And before you go thinking I have this opinion because of some pschological scaring as I child, I don't, I am perfectly normal in regards to that, and I can tell you my friends all have that same view. I would never have answered that question. And I would have apologized to the clerk for my VERY rude mother, if I was that boy.

I only hope the people whom she has made all those complains to were laughing at her, as she deserves to be: laughed at, and then ignored, like the nuisince (sp?) that she was being.

Again, if you chose to post this publically, that is fine, but only refer to me as John Dough and withhold my email adress.

07-23-2002, 02:07 AM
Seriously...if only people would get as pissed off about violence. Its like, I saw Terminator 2 when I was 10 years old, but I didn't know what making love looked like until I was 14. What's wrong with this picture?

07-23-2002, 02:29 AM
Just think in Europe it is reversed. They can talk about sex and see it pretty easily but they never talk about violence. It does seem better that way.

07-23-2002, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by slothman
Just think in Europe it is reversed. They can talk about sex and see it pretty easily but they never talk about violence. It does seem better that way.

Yeah, it does seem reversed. There, violence is looked upon as taboo to the point of things that we'd find ridiculous(like the Teen-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles is called the Teen-Age Mutant Hero Turtles, because the word Ninja implies violence).

And it probably is better, increased awareness of human sexuality in Europe could possibly result in fewer illigitimate births and decreased rates of venereal disease. And a lower tolerance for violence probably leads to tougher laws, and greater regulations over weapons and such.

07-23-2002, 11:10 AM
Oh so true. The US of A seems a bit out of the loop.
Sex has been so taboo here for decades. Don't know where that comes from, everyone does it but few want to talk about it.
When I was a kid it was "dirty", dirty magazines, dirty pics, WHY?
I would not want to see naked pics of people on roadside signs but a more healthy view would be welcomed.
I never had a "birds and bees" talk, 'cus mom thought it to be dirty and not talk about it, dad didn't have the guts to.
So where did I learn about sex? School, friends, most who were just as clueless as me. When I got caught with a neighbor girl playing doctor my mom marched me into my dad and told him to have a talk with me, he didn't...I ask my mom some questions and she said "Don't they teach you that in school?" End of conversation.
I learned the truth about it all in HS biology class, finally.

07-23-2002, 11:28 AM
I've noticed that too. My belief is that the taboos and such are fragments of the Christians beliefs that this country was built upon. When this country was first built the Christian pilgrims ruthlessly murdered many Native Americans, wait, some also raped the women. Bad example.

Wars were common in history. Orgys were not. Sex is a lustful act. It's a human desire, violence is not. Every human who fuctions like they should would be turned on by seeing sexual intercourse or other sexual acts. It's a repeatable act.

If I saw a war I would not want to join arms and go around killing everyone, or dream of killing or hurt anyone. Why? It's not a desire in humans (unless you are fucked up) to kill.

Also think of it this way. Sex leads to new life created on this Earth, violence leads to life destroyed on this Earth. So why would we want our chidren to see death rather than life? Most parents aren't that smart, or simply don't care, and don't think like us (the good people of AGN). So children grow up, maybe believe in a god or not, and they use their judgement on raising their children, while those who have say in this nation control out laws, TV programming, etc.

What I'm getting into is way more in depth than what I've covered, but I don't feel like starting a whole debate about EVERYTHING.

07-23-2002, 12:40 PM
That mother is a stupid bitch, nuff' said. Overprotective of children coming in their OWN world, experiencing hormones, and discovering sexuality... At that age, it's normal. She should know it's natural...

07-23-2002, 01:56 PM
Violence is human nature. Pacifists we are not. If there was a war that had a cause I believe in I would be there fighting in a second. Sadly to say, I would also be enjoying myself.

07-23-2002, 02:05 PM
Well it's like a parent who got Harry Potter banned in her childrens school. It taught witchcraft. God I wish I could get away from it all. My mom and Dad are cool with it. My dad doesn't care cuz he knows I'll do good. My mom thinks thatgames make you more violent. Man I hate that. It realeses stress for me, they're fun, education, and entertaning. What thay want is all of us to watch Barney till we're 20 and never jack off, look at the oppsite sex, do nothing. I watched all the Alien, Terminator, and some other "R" movies when I was 10 also. My dad doesn't care, he knows I'm not sick. My mom get's a little uneasy but she understands. Bah, my mom or dad have never given me "The talk" never will, school tells you everything and so do your friends... all well...

07-23-2002, 05:03 PM
Some parent are so misinformed...

07-23-2002, 06:40 PM
"Take it from me. I am prefectly safe, having never sustained injury while viewing the things you're so against."

I wish I could say the same,

1 time while whacking it to some porn, my orgasm casued my to slip and smack my head on the toilt paper holder...

damn that hurt...

07-23-2002, 08:59 PM
Well, maybe I should add that if reasonable precautions are taken, it will be be reasonably safe. ;)