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View Full Version : Why Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance will be the best game ever.

The Silent Assassin
07-20-2002, 02:42 AM
Learn from the past...

Metal Gear Solid 2 was not the best game ever. Lack of actual playing time, less than stellar story, and a dissapointment to some fans.

What do you do?

You allow the player to play the game as Snake all the way through.

Include 200+ VR missions

Five original missions that have their own storyline...

A Skateboarding mini-game.

Bring back all the cast...even from Metal Gear and Solid Snake on the MSX...

A Boss Endurance mode...

The European Extreme Mode...will even humble Solid Snake himself...

Tons of special featurettes.

Special modes of the game to mess around in "create your own snake!".

And, oh yeah...the original game.

Fuck...after seeing this, I demand Nintendo go back and re-do OoT like this for GCN...in fact...more game companies should do this! Take the errors from a title...fix em, release an ultimate edition.

Anyway, MGS2S will be the best game because it will have no flaws. It will be perfect. It will be bad ass, and will give fans what they begged for.

Kojima is a god.

07-20-2002, 03:39 AM
I can only than god I'll have this title to occupy me while some of you will be stuck trying to wade through a sea of Nintendo's butchery of classic titles making games where I couldn't get myself killed if I were half asleep and doped up on a demoral drip...

Did I mention I can make it through Oot withought taking damage? Or how I could go through Mario 64 and hardly even die... I guess some companies like to give their gamers an ample challenege.

and a whole slew of other craptacular non challenging mediocre titles that god bless them tried to work with the horribly designed system that was the "64"

And the Extreme mode will be sweet

And they made OoT redux... called it URA Zelda... dumped several years into it's developement and fucked up the project then cancelling the title...

07-20-2002, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic

And they made OoT redux... called it URA Zelda... dumped several years into it's developement and fucked up the project then cancelling the title...

Wasn't that planned for the 64 DD or something?

Anyhows, when they do make this Ulitmate version of MGS2, I would really like to see some of the levels from the NES MGS (especially Snakes revenge) Re-done possibly even in 3d, but then, I'm probably dreaming...

Sounds Great though!:D

07-20-2002, 12:19 PM
ive played and seen most of these games, and they never fully held my attention, i just thought of it as wasted time really.

07-20-2002, 12:32 PM
Metal Gear Solid 2 will be the absolute best game. I can't wait until it comes out on PS2... (Sorry, I don't care for games freezing every so often)

And it's amazing that Darth Cronic actually takes yet another time ouit to bash the Gamecube. It is getting quite irritating, and I would hate for this to turn into another console bashing thread.

Either way, back on topic. If MGS2 Substance is going to include the first MGS redone, it will indeed be the baddest game ever in the history of the universe (I mean that in a good way).


The Silent Assassin
07-20-2002, 01:49 PM
1. It is not known if it will have the MGS remake...I don't think the X-Box version will get it.

2. The skating might only be on the X-Box version.

3. Ura Zelda was not the Director's Cut, it was just new levels, all of which were transferred into Majora's Mask.

Originally posted by giblet
ive played and seen most of these games, and they never fully held my attention, i just thought of it as wasted time really.

Is this about Metal Gear?

Laugh out loud. You're the first person I've met who truly thought the game was a waste of time. Cel-da is a waste of time. Nintendo's beginning to become a waste of time...I'll give them to the end of the year to re-impress me, then I'm smashing my GCN.

07-20-2002, 02:22 PM
Don't smash it. I coud always use another one.

And TSA did you ever get my PM about Meryl?

07-20-2002, 02:27 PM
nah i didnt mean anything by it, just showing DC how annoying he can be. celda is a waste of time? i thought we learned this lesson...... i didnt call msg2:s a waste did i? no...im going to play the game, or atleast watch someone else play it before i make an opinion..

07-20-2002, 02:29 PM
I actually LOVED MGS2. I thought it was the best game of the year, and one of the few to ACTUALLY deserve a 10/10 score! I love the whole Metal Gear universe... I'm excited about MGS2:S, since it's fucking huge!!! I kkinda think Konami should do more stuff like this... Castlevania Chronicles is ONE thing... the Arcade editions on GBA are nice (with Haunted Castle coming along soon) MGS:I kicked ass... Legacy of Darkness was way better than the basic CV64... Konami really does glory for us all.

07-20-2002, 05:02 PM
Skateboarding will be in all versions as Konami skateboarding is set to be cross platform... meaning this is the only way you Gay cube exclusive folks will ever see Snake on your system.

As for the console bashing I merely stated that I was glad I would have this during the rush of what I think is absolute crap... am I not allowed to have a differing opinion?

and Ura Zelda WAS supposed to be the directors cut... it was intended to be an expansion on OoT and not MM... if they transfered anything they didn't do it very well.

and is anyone else noticing that this Giblet kid seems to have some sorta crush on me? Sorry man, but I'm spoken for ;)

07-20-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by The Silent Assassin
Fuck...after seeing this, I demand Nintendo go back and re-do OoT like this for GCN...in fact...more game companies should do this! Take the errors from a title...fix em, release an ultimate edition.

But in your other post you criticize Nintendo for so many re-makes.

07-20-2002, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by e3h3

But in your other post you criticize Nintendo for so many re-makes.

because all they are is remakes... TSA wants a remake in better qaulity with added material ;)

07-20-2002, 06:48 PM
but i alllways wanted a cute lil xbox fanboy....but my mom said id have to feed it and walk it, and clean up after it...and im not gay ;) i mean wait...your a guy rite? if not i miiite actually be turned on *growl*

all the name brand nintendo titles doo have more material, and most can be agreed (obviously not link) that they seem to have better quality. im mean sequels in whatever genre are spose to be bigger and better versions of the one before them. nintendo still follows this rule.

are they gonna change the plot of this metal gear to have it make sense for him to play the whole game? not critisizing or anyhting, just wondering.

07-20-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
Skateboarding will be in all versions as Konami skateboarding is set to be cross platform... meaning this is the only way you Gay cube exclusive folks will ever see Snake on your system.

LOL... I had to laugh at that, sorry. It's true, that's why I had to chuckle.

Snake can be on NES, Gameboy Color, but no 'Cube... I guess if snake wants to be in Nintendo, he has to be 8-bit...

07-20-2002, 08:27 PM
I doubt the Gay Cube could handle MGS2 let aloneSolid Snake. The game itself is far too large to fit on a Gay Cube disk as it takes a full sized double density DVD to hold for X-box and PS2. Also from everything I've read the original MGS WILL NOT BE INCLUDED at all.