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View Full Version : Better on Xbox...

07-20-2002, 12:18 AM

This game is almost new to me now that I've played it on the box...

The goods:

Music... The soundtrack function of the box REALLY helps out the (by now) very stale soundtrack it came with... It basically only gets as stale as your own taste in music... This adds playability big time...

Visuals... This game is sooo much prettier than on any other console. Theres sooo much more detail in pretty much everything you see. It's almost unbelievable to me.

Physics... Somehow they seem slightly reworked, but in a very smooth way. Tricks are easier to follow now, and the control itself is just shy of that on PS2 (buit still more managable once you adapt to it)and much much easier than that of Game Cube's.

Load times... They are nearly non-existent, and the saving is over in a flash so you get back to your board much quicker.

Expanded... Did I mention youi now have a totally new level to achieve exclusive to Xbox?

The bad:

So far the only bad I've found is when creating a custom skater there is a bit of a load time when changing character looks.

All in all this system is much better than people give it credit for and I think you should all do what you can to try and play this title all over again ;)

07-20-2002, 05:20 PM
Its good enough for GBA.

P.S-X-box sux

07-20-2002, 06:01 PM
comparing it to the GBA version is downright laughable...

07-20-2002, 06:14 PM
I agree. GBA isn't even capable of the REAL THPS which is 3D. Anyways... I can see that soundtrack feature being a VERY big plus.

07-20-2002, 07:26 PM
Its nice, but you can always listen to different songs by muting your tv and putting a CD in your stereo. Still, I have to agree with DC, THPS3 does look much nicer and performs better on X-Box than on any other system.

07-20-2002, 09:14 PM
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the GBA version of THPS3 has actual 3d models for characters. Thats pretty amazing on a hand-held. It's quite a capable system. ;)

I always figured it would be better on X-box. :shrug: It's just a more capable system. It's a good game on any system. They're all the same price, so if you own all three, why not pick it up for that. And, you'll get the extra level too. :)

07-21-2002, 02:08 AM
I have THPS2 for GBA, and while the character models are 3d, it doesn't really change much. The fact is, while it is pretty impressive for a handheld, the gameplay suffers a lot from the fixed angle view. Trying to line yourself up properly to hit a certain point in space can be tough, because it can be hard to see exactly how your skater is angled, and sometimes when the point is up in the air it can be difficult to tell exactly where it is.

I have the PC version of THPS3, and it is quite nice. I setup a great custom soundtrack, and netplay is awesome.