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07-18-2002, 04:44 PM
Hey anyone play MUDs?

Im thinking about starting one up and if I'll get players right away that would help me think about it faster ;)

For you who don't know its a multi-user dungeon and is done in text. Think about IRC except a game having actul rules and bad guys (mobs) to fight. Don't get MUDs and MUSHs mixed up though a MUSH is where you just chat what is happening in the game. a MUD lets you walk around and kill shit. (like dungeon siege only text)...

If I create one I'll be using a codebase based on godwars (which is based on whitewolf RPGs)

Oh yeah its written in linux and you telnet to it with a good telnet program...example for a good program would be Zmud because its a mud client and helps you play better...

PS> don't diss the fact that its text. When you have 30-40 people playing at the same time without massive lag it can be awsome. It keeps my interest more ;)

EDIT: Oh yes since I will only go on it when im at work I'll need other coders and shit I believe...Its done in C++ if you wanted to know. (actully i learned C++ by coding muds)

07-18-2002, 06:43 PM
I love MUDs! I've been mudding for about 8 years now and even though I still play console games and graphical computer games, I always find myself going back to MUDs for a richer gaming experience.

I prefer the Circle codebase personally but I know that GW is a really popular codebase to use. 30- 40 people online with no lag is awesome too! They get much larger too. One I played a long time ago called Medievia (http://www.medievia.com) has 300-500 people at all times. It's an amazing experience.

Anyways, I really just wanted to comment on MUDs in general and with you luck in creating your own. For those who have never mudded, you should try some out. There's something out there for every type of gamer. Be patient though; getting into MUDs for the first time can be intimidating and needs a few hours to get the basic feel down.