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07-17-2002, 11:56 PM
I can't believe how many people complain about the graphics than the gameplay. I mean, give the new Zelda game a break! So it looks cartoonie, does that take away how good of a game it is? NO. Everytime I hear things about graphics, I can't stand it! "Oh my god, look at those graphics! Those suck! I'm not playing that game as long as I live!" Well guess what? WHO CARES? I bet you're playing it at your friend's house, then you ask what game it is, they tell you it's the game with the bad graphics, oh no, you like it! Now everyone's going to hate you! Holy crap! No. Nobody's going to hate you because of that. Let's do it the opposite way. You see a game, Wanting to buy it because it has the best 3D graphics, then you play it, and it sucks! Well, that's what you get for looking at the graphics first! When you play the original Zelda, or any NES game, look how 2D the graphics the games are! Do you hate the game? No. Do play the game? Yes. Do you like the game? Yes. Why don't you do that to the next-gen consoles? Oh, wait, That was 18 YEARS AGO! So what? Just because it was a long time ago doesn't mean the same consept sucks now, does it, no! This happened exactly to Sony. When Capcom was trying to get the MegaMan Complete works to to the US, Sony didn't want to take it here because IT WASN'T TO 3D ENOUGH! Who cares? They're ports of THE ORIGINAL 6 GAMES! Capcom was trying to do people who's NES broke down a favor, make them for a new system! But idiotic Sony didn't listen to the saying ' Don't judge a book for a cover' and play the game? NO! This happened to the SNES. When the PSX, DC, and N64 came out, the SNES was not '3D too live'! I end my rant here saying Don't look at the graphics first, but the gameplay.

The Silent Assassin
07-17-2002, 11:59 PM
If you're regarding my post, please READ it before you rant about something I didn't bitch about. It's the attitude...cartoony is good...look at SOUTH PARK. Zelda is going to be too...how should I put it...quirky.

And no offense, Cel Shading...makes me...annoyed. I've hated EVERY Cel Shaded game I've ever played.

07-18-2002, 12:03 AM
Yes People gameplay Is the game, Its true, We need to realize this, We put to much hype on graphics, And In this age If they dont meet are "Standerds" Then they "suck", Personally i for one am very Excitted about the new Zelda, Infact i have never looked forward to a Zelda game more, I really didnt want another Oot, Thank god for Celda.

07-18-2002, 12:38 AM
I don't care if it's cartoony but Link is still a boy. The cool part of Zelda64 was when link became a man. Thats when the game got fun.

The story line seems important in games to me because I don't want to run around a game with a crapy back story. They got to give me a good reason why I'm blowing these things heads off.

3-Headed Monkey
07-18-2002, 01:26 AM
It seems like this is how everything goes:

The shortsided people see only graphics
The people who aren't so shortsided look at gameplay but don't care about the feel
The people who look at everything care about everything.

Me2, my friend, you fall in the second category. Yes, gameplay is more important, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean graphics aren't important. True, there are plenty of games that have crappy graphics that are good, but if you want a good game with a good feel, you need to work on graphics. Not mainly having them good, but at least having them FIT. Celda does NOT fit with the Zelda series, it fits with PaRappa and other games.

Originally posted by me2
So it looks cartoonie, does that take away how good of a game it is?

Yes, it certainly does. It can be good that way, but it could be much MUCH better with non-cartoony graphics.

I used to fall in the second category. I used to avoid graphic issues ENTIRELY, and I ended up with some pretty crappy games, because they had bad feels.

07-18-2002, 01:34 AM
Dude, me2, if your gonna rant, please use the return button and put some spaces and paragraphs! It's very hard to read one big blob or text.

Anyways, graphics aren't important to me, afterall, Gameboy is my favorite system. However, pixel-ly 3d games do annoy me.