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View Full Version : The game called Jet Force Gemini

07-17-2002, 08:06 PM
Lots of people like it. Maybe I'll get it.

But I don't know what the heck it's like.

Someone give me a review, overview, recommendation sorta thing??

07-17-2002, 08:37 PM
From what I heard, it was decent, but it fell short of what it should have been simply because of the control scheme.

I am inclined to agree with them as well.

07-17-2002, 11:23 PM
It might fell like a more action oriented 3-D Metroid in a way.
Its 3rd and 1st person. You use many guns, you kill lots of insect enemies. You can jump. Most of the time you'll probably be holding down R to go into 1st person so you can better target the enemies. Z is to shoot, and while in first person the C buttons allow you to move forward, back, and left and right. While in 3rd person you can strafe, walking around enemies with the left and right C buttons. Good game, but the collecting of Tribals and space parts in the end made me stop playing.

07-17-2002, 11:48 PM
Its pretty fun, But after about 13 Missions or so It gets kinda old, Mainly its you exploring old ruins and such, Its sorta setup like No monsters for a long time, Then when you get to a point, It drop's Im all on ya, This may be an Ok system, But some levels just go to long with out enemies, Theres a nice Co-op feature if you collect somthing, But its not like a second character or nothin, But now that i think about It, I should of got it..... Unstead I got a game like Bomberman Hero and Tetrisphere.... I could of done better.

07-18-2002, 07:36 AM

I guess I won't get it then...I do NOT like hard to use controls.

07-18-2002, 09:42 AM
i like the game, but the controls were bery hard to get into.
i played the game through, because i loaned it from a friend, when i got the game back to my place, all the save data was erased, and i told him i would get it back for him. and i did.

07-18-2002, 12:13 PM
I thought that it is a very good game, its the part when you have to go back through all of the levels it gets boring. I realy like it when you can control the little hovering thing with the 2nd controler.
I would get it if you can get it for cheap or second hand.

07-18-2002, 12:41 PM
Like others said, it was OK, it could have been another Rareware big success, but the controls were quite hard to use in regard to percise aiming, jumping, etc. It made the game feel fairly tedious. But it is worth checking out, for a cheap used buy or a rent.

King Link
07-19-2002, 12:20 AM
I found the controls VERY simple, basically the shooter, Bond sort of game, only in from a different view.

Basically, the only thing different from most games like Goldeneye was the fact you use a jump button.

Basically, I think most of us agree the game was really fun and a good game, but the thing that threw most of us off was the length, having to collect all the Tribals etc. Personally, I think that the game is worth the money, a lot of adventure, weapons and cool levels, just overly long. The controls, also, are not as difficult to figure out or use as mentioned. Really, Z is to shoot, C buttons to jump or sidestep and the B and A buttons scroll the weapons. Simple enough in my opinion.

If you still can, I suggest you get the game, it's very fun and you will enjoy it, I personally believe that the length is what makes some people lose interest.

07-19-2002, 12:23 AM
Personally I love this game, and have no idea why I haven't bought it yet.

I got the hang of the controls very quickly, and was pretty damned good at the multiplayer death matches.

07-19-2002, 09:21 AM
I found the bosses were a tad to difficult

King Link
07-19-2002, 05:56 PM
The bosses were fun to fight and I really enjoyed strafing a room with Machine Gun bullets, bugs limbs flying everywhere and some cool cutscenes. The bosses though were really great, huge bugs that you had to defeat.