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View Full Version : Need some imagination...

Ibis, God of Magicks
07-17-2002, 04:18 PM
I need help with a campaign.

I need to find/think of a good gruling death/ endless torture.
The longer and more painful the better. I've been racking my brain, but haven't come up with anything evel enough...

There are two things to remember:
This will be taking place in the Dark Ages
And the Character is a Vampyre.

07-17-2002, 04:39 PM
Slice off a milimeter of his body every hour, beginning with his genitals, while periodically splashing a mixture of tomato and lemon juice on him. In between slicings, burn the tissue off the botoms of his feet with a candle. Always have a supply of smelling salts to revive him should fainting occure. If necessary, use a system of electrodes to stimulate his brain and keep him awake.

In addition to this, remove all the skin from his right arm and hang it by course ropes. Be sure to have a supply of fresh blood to keep him conciouse. Drive a barbed, rusty, lemon juice soaked nail through his palm into a board so that he will resists movement.

Finally, if necessary, cut the ligaments of his important muscles so that he will not struggle too much during the ordeal. Providing he is fed and watered, you should be able to keep him going for days.

The Savior
07-17-2002, 04:42 PM
If they're available, get a ring of regeneration, and chop off all his limbs once a year.

Ibis, God of Magicks
07-17-2002, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Belderan
Slice off a milimeter of his body every hour, beginning with his genitals, while periodically splashing a mixture of tomato and lemon juice on him. In between slicings, burn the tissue off the botoms of his feet with a candle. Always have a supply of smelling salts to revive him should fainting occure. If necessary, use a system of electrodes to stimulate his brain and keep him awake.

In addition to this, remove all the skin from his right arm and hang it by course ropes. Be sure to have a supply of fresh blood to keep him conciouse. Drive a barbed, rusty, lemon juice soaked nail through his palm into a board so that he will resists movement.

Finally, if necessary, cut the ligaments of his important muscles so that he will not struggle too much during the ordeal. Providing he is fed and watered, you should be able to keep him going for days.

Okay...Mental note made:
Never piss off Belderan

07-17-2002, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Ibis_god_of_Magicks

Okay...Mental note made:
Never piss off Belderan

Just when people think they know me, suddenly I reveal myself as the :darkmage: that I truly am.:evil:

07-17-2002, 05:06 PM
cut out their appendix with out the morphine. slice open their stomack and begin cutting out their small intestins. castrate them. use a catapult (the tourtue machine). Put a maggot in their eye.hang them then right as they pass out cut them down. rip their limbs off one by one. let the piss off Beldaran.