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View Full Version : What game makers(other than ZQuest) do you know?

07-17-2002, 03:07 AM
I want to find a bunch of cool game makers. I have:
RPG Maker 2000
RPG Maker 95
RPG Maker (PlayStaion)
SimRPG Maker
RPG Toolkit

07-17-2002, 03:09 AM
I personally prefer C++. :blah:

07-17-2002, 03:14 AM
I don't know C++, or any programmy stuff.

07-17-2002, 04:15 AM
I also know that there is Open Zelda and Galaga Advanced :D

07-17-2002, 05:32 AM
:D my A**, you know what I meant. OK, nevermind, seeing as how I would have made a similar post. :kawaii:

07-17-2002, 08:15 AM

07-17-2002, 12:10 PM
Well, Alex already pointed out Megazeux, but there's also the outdated ZZT (which some people *cougcoughmecough* find easier to use than Megazeux), Super ZZT (which almost no one uses), and of course the infamous Klik and Play (which is extremely limited, unstable, and causes strange glitches on some PCs- I do not reccomend it), The Games Factory (which is decent but uncommon) Click and Create (which bears slightly fewer differences between The Games Factory than there are between Windows 98 and 95 and seems by far the most common), and Multimedia Fusion (Or was it called Macromedia Fusion? Anyway, almost no one seems to use it, though from what I've heard it's better in some ways than Click and Play). I would post links but the only places I know of to get them either no longer exists (as in the case of ZZT) or I lost the address to long ago (in the case of everything else).

Anyway, the most common game making utilities (other than AGN's, of course) seem to be Click and Play and Megazeux, so I'll give very basic descriptions of those two.

Megazeux seems to be fairly limited (though not overly, and not as much so as ZZT or Super ZZT), though if you know what you're doing you can probably do more with it than you might think (much as is the case with ZZT). It allows for overhead-view games with simple, preprogrammed enemies and comes with a built-in 'engine' of sorts, if you know what I mean; this can be manipulated through certain objects and the programming of those objects (I think; at least, that's how ZZT operates. I haven't learned very much about Megazeux, but that seems generally to be the same case with it). You pretty much just have to mess around with it for a while, though opening other, more Megazeux-knowledgable people's games (which is difficult as most of them are probably encrypted) can help some as far as figuring out how it works.

Click and Create allows for almost anything to be made, if you know what you're doing. No exaggeration. You can even make simple Word Proccessors and Screensavers with it. It's problem is that it's covered in random glitches and is about a fourth as stable as the dreaded Internet Explorer. Sometimes things will stop working properly in an application file for no discernable reason, even if you didn't actually screw anything up, and sometimes objects can be completely chang in function or be replaced by other objects. It also tends to crash ridiculously often. If you want to make something fairly simple, or are willing to make lots of backups of everything you do with it that works and spend a lot of time and effort trying to make something large with it, I reccomend it; otherwise you might want to avoid it, though there don't seem to be many alternatives that aren't somewhat more limited and/or bear the same problems.

07-17-2002, 12:12 PM
Well I guess the editor for Civilization 3 counts.

07-17-2002, 12:39 PM
Hmm, I prefer C++. It is much more customizable than any editor. (:

07-17-2002, 12:46 PM
Game Maker

07-17-2002, 12:57 PM
Wolfenstein 3D editor is really neat. I'm making a 3D Metal Gear Solid game with it.