View Full Version : my dream

Ibis, God of Magicks
07-17-2002, 02:22 AM
last night I dreamt that I woke up one day and though I had too many piercings. So I started ripping them out. navel rings, tounge rings, septum rings, eyebrow rings, ear rings, all of them. Then I was just gushing blood from my face.

Then I woke up in a pool of my slobber. :)

Just wanted to sharte that.

07-17-2002, 02:27 AM
how...interseting.... I had a dream where I tried to loosen my one of my back teeth, still losing some. And pulled so hard it ripped right out. Woke up instantly, made sure the tooth was still there, checked for the taste of blood, felt around the bed for any tooth like objects, then went back to sleep and woke up 30 min later...

07-17-2002, 02:28 AM
People have been known to drown in their blood after getting a bloody nose in bed.