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The Silent Assassin
07-16-2002, 08:19 PM

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. Coming this fall to your GBA in Japan.

07-16-2002, 08:23 PM
Now, I'll admit I enjoyed Pokemon Red/Blue. And Gold/Silver was a huge jump in terms of features and enhancements (and number of Pokemon). I don't see how they can top Gold/Silver. These new ones are just gonna be worse rehashes of the same thing. And more Pokemon?!? Geesh! Isn't 251 enough? I don't think I'll be getting on of these Pokemon games.

07-16-2002, 09:44 PM
Gold/Silver was good, but there are so many ways to make it so much better. I am really looking forward to it and until enough details are out I wouldn't give any judgements to it. And don't worry, I thought 251 was too much when GS came out, but if this game is anything like that one, you'll hardly notice it within two days of playing it.

07-16-2002, 09:54 PM
How can they add MORE Pokemon, there gonna have to add more types, but they took all the elements and they can't have Holy pokemon to counter dark ones. I think that they should add double attaacks and team battles and such, like special battles against ceratain people depending on the reginon, the rules will vary depending on where you are.

07-17-2002, 02:26 AM
I read on that page TSA linked that you'll only use two pokemon in battles, wtf?

jman, what specifically do you think G/S lacks? I'm just curious, cause I thought G/S was awesome.

07-17-2002, 02:37 AM
Pokemon is how Nintendo is staying in buisness... You should be thankfull they have plans to release 6-10 new pokemon titles by the years end... :|

07-17-2002, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
Pokemon is how Nintendo is staying in buisness... You should be thankfull they have plans to release 6-10 new pokemon titles by the years end... :|

What? Is this from the same joke someone made up on that Xbox forum?

I'm interested to see how Pokemon GBA will work with Pokemon GCN, beyond what Pokemon Stadium did.

Elemental Knight
07-17-2002, 08:11 AM
PokeMon - I love the games, but it just went overboard on marketing. I, too, thought G/S lacked something... It's nice to see the human element there in force, but it just doesn't quite have enough... I don't think the 'world' of PokeMon can be realized on a portable system. I'd like to see a GC PokeMon, with real-time combat of you controlling your PokeMon, instead of barking orders to it like a commandant.

I think that once the 'magic' of collecting the buggers wore off after Yellow, G/S simply needed more interaction - more people, more PokeMon to INTERACT WITH, not capture and show off as trohpy pieces (which is kinda inhumane, IMHO).

I'd like to see more differences between a PokeMon raised through love, one raised through battle, and one raised through Rare Candy. I'd like Gyms to no longer hold three to seven people, but be teeming with trainers, not all of whom would fight you, who could just sit down with you and talk about whatever the hot topic in the PokeMon world was (this is how I imagined Gyms when Red/Blue came out ), kinda like how the Gyms in the PokeMon Card Game game are set up: Lobby, Lounge, Arena. I'd like to see people milling about on their own buisness, like Majora's Mask, and downloadable "quests" and mini-adventures through the Modem. I'd like to see some online tournaments and group-quests where you and a select group of other trainers go out for one reason or another - hell, even if we're just Professor Oak's package delievery system (again) I'll be happy. I'd like to find a trainer in the wild who's not interested in whomping you with PokeMon that are five levels below you, who just wants to share a story or tidbit of adive, or even borrow a Potion from you. I'd like trainers all around the world to practice a strange, ancient, and amazing technique known as "Leveling-up". I want... A world. Not a small town with five people on a prarie, but a city teeming with life and it's own agendas.

This doesn't have to apply to PokeMon, but it's just what I think it could be if people got past the over-marketed idea that "PokeMon is just for kids". Stop churning out the same and pull off the impossible... Where you'll enjoy mimicry that hasn't been seen since the beginning of Video Game history.

07-17-2002, 08:17 AM
What they are planning is hopefully for each pokemon to be slightly different in terma of visuals and features, with no two of the same species exactly alike. Kinda makes for an individuality concept.

Though I think the idea is pretty fucktarded. Either way, I saw the screenshots for the new GBA game and the graphics look Earthbound-ish simple, from what I can tell...

07-17-2002, 08:31 AM
Actually, there it will be 2 vs. 2 battles, no that you only can carry 2 PKMN now.

That will change the whole battles.

2.5K for the third time!!!!

07-17-2002, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by vegeta1215
I read on that page TSA linked that you'll only use two pokemon in battles, wtf?

jman, what specifically do you think G/S lacks? I'm just curious, cause I thought G/S was awesome.

As did I. But there are SO many things they could have done to make it better, and even some things they ruined from R/B/Y:

- It lost a lot of the RPG element. Too much emphasis is on rasing your Pokemon, so a lot of the game becomes the same routine: go to town, look around, get some important item, fight gym leaders, go to next route, fight trainers, repeat. Granted, this isn't the case in all areas, but in some. In R/B/Y, it resembled an actual RPG more than an interactive digi-pet. There wasn't a lot you could do in raising your Pokemon besides battling, but it was enough. R/B/Y had a lot of the makings of a full RPG, including a continuous side story [Team Rocket, which was crap in G/S], worthy side quests[Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Fossils, Safari Zone, SS Anne. G/S had good side quests as well, although they were much more generic] and lovable[okay, wrong word but you get my point] characters and enemies. I'm sure youcan agree that Gary was MUCh better as a rival than that red-haired guy.

- G/S needs to improve on some of its new elements. The most needed is the phone calling system. THey improved this in Crystal, but in all three games calling from trainers bacame monotonous and boring, and the training from rebattling them most of the time wasn't worth the effort. Don't get me wrong, the phone had plenty of uses: You could save your money at will, check how many spaces you have in your PC, or hear from other trainers about swarms of pokemon that normally appear once in a blue moon. But this concept lacks interactivity and hopefully, it will be improved in R/S

- Difficulty. In R/B/Y a LOT of training was neccesary to keep up with the game. I should know because I trained all 6 of my pokemon evenly in a blue game, fighting every single trainer I could and even a nice group of wild ones, and my pokemon were still only Level 50 by the time I faced the elite four [the highest level pokemon there is 65] Fortunetely, the enemy AI sucked so it wasn't insanly difficult.Also, many of the dungeouns, like MT Moon and Rock Tunnel were mazes, sporting many stray items and trainers. They were long too, requiring a bit of patience to get through effectively. Not so in G/S. Pokemon training was dumbed down here, meaning you could breee straight through the game skipping 25% of the trainers and you'd still be able to beat the crap out of Lance's dragonite. Making things worse was the fact that you could get you legendary before the eighth gym. Kanto wasn't very difficult either. All the gyms are easier than they were before despite having higher level pokemon. In fact the ONLY difficult battle in that game was the fight against Ash. IN G/S, there was Union Cave, Mt Mortar, and the Whirl Islands. Union Cave was a bunch of baloney, ven when you went underground. Whirl Islands was much better, but because of lack of trainers became easy once you knew where you were going. Mt Mortar is the same thing, only a LOT better. And the prize atthe end is well worth it depending on how you look at it. All the places in Kanto, however, were dumbed down. No Safari Zone, THe power plant wasn't a dungeon anymore, and Rock Tunnel/Mt Moon was horrifically easy. There were no Seafoam Island dungeons, in fact that's where you fight Blaine. Come to think of it, Silver Cave was a snap too.

That's all I can really think of for now. As you can see, they have a lot of room for improvement, just like they did when they first made R/B/Y. They were awesome, but for there time. With GBA, they now have the chance to break the mold and expand pokemon beyond the limitations of the GBA. And yes, the graphics are Earthboundish, but who says that's a bad thing :D .

07-17-2002, 09:30 AM
I betcha all of the pre-teen, and teenage flaming fags, and some normal people who cannot escape the evil are orgasming in their pants. ;)

07-17-2002, 03:14 PM
-True, there wasn't much of a story to the game. If anything, you're just collecting badges and running into that red haired rival. And then you meet Lance and take out Team Rocket at their HQ. I'll agree with you there.

-I liked the phone thing, as it was new. But it did get old after a while. The only trainers I kept on my list were the ones that told me about rare occurances (like the guy who tells you about Marrills showing up) and some trainers that were tough and gave lots of gold. Other wise it was just Mom, Prof. Elm, and Bill on my list. If they made a phone adapter like in japan and let you connect to some network online where you could battle lots of people worldwide, that would be awesome.

-I thought the difficulty was about the same. All the newer gyms had types I wasn't used to fighting. Esp the ghost gym, that was tough. And it took me several tries to beat the elite 4. I had to build considerably. I will say the 'old' gyms you go back to in Kanto weren't very difficult. Right now in Gold my 'team' is about level 65. I'm gonna take on Ash soon. (and I only have 4 more Pokemon to get on my list!)

I'm still anxious to see what else these new Pokemon titles bring to the table. But I tell you one thing, the graphics don't impress me at all.

07-17-2002, 03:35 PM
There is already a Shadow type: Ghost Types. Who is going to be #252? X-Boxasaur? Back to the topic: Dark-types and Steel types were a good addition to the Pokémon world, we just need a Rubber-types (i.e. a tire), Fog-types, and Wood-types. Feraligator, Heracross, Meganium, Lugia, Houndoom, Piloswine, and other Gold/Silver Pokémon are good. Finally, in Gold and Silver, they fix the battle system. Here is an example: Meganium uses Solarbeam on Shuckle: it is not "super-effective" or "not very effective", but it does normal damage. When I was playing Pokémon Silver earlier today, good thing I got Hiker Anthony on the phone because a friend of his told him that there were Dunsparce flooding the Dark Cave, and I caught one with Noctowl using Hypnosis. The gyms were moderately easy (because I used the type that was weak against it. Good Croconaw!)

At the Ghost Gym, Croconaw bit through the Ghost types, as Dark attacks do twice the damage to Ghosts. (I should have brought Meowth)

I will wait for Sapphire and Ruby to come out.

07-17-2002, 03:48 PM
I picked Cyndaquil as my starter Pokemon, which made it tougher at the beginning of Gold. I chose him because there weren't any fire Pokemon to catch for a while. I think it's even harder with the grass one. The water one makes it very easy early on, just cause he's so powerful.

07-17-2002, 04:24 PM
I think it's even harder with the grass one

Just the one I started with :sweat:

He isn't anymore in my team... ohh well, I needed Scizor instead.

07-17-2002, 06:45 PM
It seems that the battles might be less boring than the were in Gold/Silver. I'm not sure if I'll get it, though. It's probably going to be the same goal as always, just with better graphics and more monsters.