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View Full Version : My new quest, Legend of Rheneia!

07-16-2002, 01:42 AM
My new quest has begun!
Legend of Rheneia features a full BS overworld (thanks to VEL), the typical nine dungeons, and not much flair, but if you want a hack-and-slash Zelda game (harder and harder to find every day) then here you go. Using the amazing features of Build 163, I have been inspired to recreate this BS quest that you might have heard of a long, LONG time ago. Anyways, even though this quest will be made, It's gonna take a LONG time, as I don't have much time for myself anymore :( so anyways, when I find out how to post some screenshots, then I will. I will post all updates to my signature so you can see it when you want. Thanks! :grad:

07-16-2002, 11:29 AM
You could host your pictures on angelfire or geocities. The only problem is you have to add the anonymizer in front of the pic link.

07-17-2002, 12:30 AM
This is awesome! Two awesome dungeonmakers, Dragonlord and DarkSFK have volunteered to do my dungeons for me!!! This will make my game go much faster!

By the way... I have not updated my sig yet, but I worked on my game for about 10 hours straight today...:eek: and I managed to get about 25% of the overworld DONE!

Here are the sections I have done:
** Hyrule Coast (100% Finished)
** Hyrule Sea (15% Finished)
** Elf Land (50% Finished)
** Armos Valley (100% Finished)
** Mystic Woods (20% Finished)

Does anyone know a way to spruce up a BS forest???
If there are animated tiles i can use that fit with VEL's new BS
release, please send them to me (recolor please - i really suck at recoloring :redface: ) My email's in my sig. Thanks!

EDIT: By the way, screens are coming soon! :drool:

07-17-2002, 01:55 PM
Hmm.... well, you could add some of Prince's Mystic Land tiles, most everything that could be animated in that set it, including the trees. Actaully, there are I believe 4 types of trees in that set, and you could change the cset to different color trees, and I could send them to you.

07-18-2002, 01:12 AM
If you could maybe send animated animals (?? I knew his ML set had, like, squirells or something) that were recolored for BS, that'd be great. Thanks!

07-18-2002, 05:34 AM
Alright! I have a screenshot for you! This is more of a test screen, so I can change the image code if it doesn't work. I just uploaded the pics to my website.

Here you go:


Wait, here's another one:

There we go, and I'll have about 10 more by the end of the week
:D Cya!

By the way.. I forgot the web address for MPQ (you know, Mage Points??) anyway.. if you could tell it to me, I'd be grateful.

Thanks! :drool:

EDIT: Crap, I doubleposted! Sorry all admins, I kept thinking someone replied before I did. My sincerest apologies, etc... :confused: I completely forgot :( sry again

07-18-2002, 07:06 AM
That looks... like a normal quest...

You should work on your dungeon design!

07-18-2002, 09:26 PM
Ok, here's my opinion. It is very, well, boring, sorry to say. you REALLY need to work on map design, although the gameplay might be ok.

07-19-2002, 01:38 AM

1) Both screens will be SERIOUSLY modified.
Remember, I have only devoted a few hours to this.

2) Those are not my dungeons. If you read my previous posts, you will see that i am not even DOING the dungeons. Those are only samples. Remember, i just said they were a TEST. This is no way what my quest is going to look like.

07-19-2002, 11:24 AM
Why do others do your dungeons?
So this will be a group quest!

07-19-2002, 08:37 PM
Yeah, it's kind of a group quest, but don't GQs have 10+ people doing stuff? DarkSFK and Dragonlord are the ones doing them.

07-20-2002, 08:57 AM
... it is not the number of creators which do a group quest..

If you don't try to make dungeons yourself, you'll never learn how to make really cool ones!

07-20-2002, 11:55 AM
Heh, I learned the hard way! I had made dungeons in my first quest, which took about 1 hour to beat, all nine, plus the bonus, and about a week to make. Then, I started on Oracle of Life, restarted that, and it is currently paused.

07-20-2002, 05:35 PM
I have made good dungeons.. I've just never released any of my games.

The reason why I need helpers is because if I don't have someone to do the dungeons, this game won't ever see the light of day. Why, you ask? I am currently bundling 2 part-time jobs over making webpages for people and i am a member of mensa.


I don't have all the time in the world :rolleyes:
That's why I am thanking my dungeon-helpers so much.
(Thanks again, guys!) :ooh: