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View Full Version : SoM tiles

07-14-2002, 04:59 PM
Does anyone have a good SoM tileset. The one that is at the Tileshop doesnt work with any of the ZCs that well. In 190 it loads but the combos look like garbage when you go to start drawing the screen, and the set will not load in beta 104 or 163.

zora man
07-14-2002, 11:31 PM
I have asked the same question ''they'' said to try the tile shop
I did and yes it does pretty much suck!
Do what I had to do.
Dl c-dawgs som quest called z it is on pg 5 on this forum I think just look. After that play the game press f 12 on every screen you want go to paint and take the menu screen part of the picture (you need about 5 from different parts of the game).
After that open zquest start a new game with and open a best file then save as _______ then go to your pallet and completely wipe it off yes wipe it off,then go to grab pallet and open a picture with water get the water pallet(the one with many blue colors) thats all for this picture then open a picture with gold trees rip every pallet.
then rip you tiles and you dont need to re-color!
then open a dungeon pallet and rip some cave pallets and you are all set!
email me for further questions.
p.s. email me for the level 4 cheat that will make thing easiar and I will also tell you how to get to secret areas.

07-15-2002, 01:06 AM
At that rate it might just be easier to take snapshots from the game itself. I would like some of the grass and rocks and flowers from it to spice up my overworld some, so if anyone else has them ready to go, let me know so I don't have to waste time trying to grab them for myself.

07-15-2002, 08:31 AM
Warlock had a really good one!

I need it, too!

zora man
07-15-2002, 05:47 PM
well it is easiar to grab from pictures taken from some ones som quest you can get all the basics I have all of c-dawgs tiles and the tiles shop som tiles.
I might send the tile file I have made in about a week they are kind of scatterd and I have SHADE! just like in som2.
If anybody will send me tiles from bucca island mainly plants and I also want those crystal tiles from crystal cavarn or what ever.
I need the crystals to chang color like in the game.
Do that and I will send you tiles and pallets and g packs.
Included in those tiles are tiles of caves,water,plants,GRASS ROCKS AND FLOWERS(for you cloral),no sprites yet except giga ant( he is animated and ready to go.
Most of these tile are from som2