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View Full Version : Problem with Sims House Party

07-12-2002, 03:30 PM
Okay I have a weird problem with my sims game....Its been 3 days and the Maxis Tech Support has not e-mailed me back about my problem..(they suck)! well my problem is that when you turn on the D.J. thing and click "Play next song" the game exits back to the desktop! with no error message! I already tried reinstalling and it still does it!! Im hope that you guys know more than Maxis Tech support cuz they suck!!

_EDIT_You will not believe this!! The Maxis Tech Support chat is down for lunch!!!:angry: Those Lazy no good mother #$%#!:angry:

Lone Wolf
07-12-2002, 04:51 PM
DID you get the game of Kazaa?

I have had this problem with certain Items..it means the don't work. Thats a bummer if its included in the game.

07-12-2002, 05:09 PM
if you illegally downloaded the game, DON'T ask for tech support.
sometimes they ask you for your registration number or cd-key or something, and if you can't give it, you're screwed.

Lone Wolf
07-12-2002, 09:59 PM
Yea I get all my shit off Kazaa......thats the fun way. well actually its a pain in the ass..but its free.

07-12-2002, 10:46 PM
It almost sounds like its trying to look for a audio file that isn't there. I don't have any experience with the Sims, but is this DJ thing something that lets you play your own music? If so maybe the folder its looking in is empty, causing it to crash.

07-12-2002, 11:41 PM
No...All the DJ command does is allows your Sim to act like a DJ does with the arm movements, kinda boring actually.

As for your problem, try uninstalling and reinstalling House Party. You may have tried installing House Party from a copied CD, which doesnt always work (had that problem with an improperly copied Livin' Large.) If you burned it to a CD, try reburning it with your burner at a lower recording speed (say if you have a 12X try burning at 8X or something like that.)

07-12-2002, 11:41 PM
No no no no....I bought it a while ago I just reinstalled it now and the prob occured!!! I fixed it though with the good old sims file cop!!

-I have the sims,livin' large, and House party! I still have to buy Hot date and Vacation.....does any one think It would work right If I download Hot date and Vacation off of Kazaa?? Will I get everything?

07-12-2002, 11:42 PM
It might have been a bad music file then. Make sure you use File Cop everytime you download anything for Sims to check its integrity.

07-13-2002, 01:05 AM
Shit It WAS fixed now my D.J. is broken again! GRR I need damn tech support and They are sposed' to E-Mail me within 24hours and its been 3 Friggin days now!!!! -cant live on- suffering-


If so maybe the folder its looking in is empty, causing it to crash

Well the music folder is empty but I think it is sposed' to be becouse it plays music and it plays it off of the CD, Can anyone Check there music folder and see if they have music there! I have already tried reinstalling the game and Its the same as before so I think that folder is sposed' to be empty!