View Full Version : I have too many questions....Heres another

07-12-2002, 10:43 AM
I think there should be a topic just for me in here lol.

Ok anyway, How do you get Link to kill enemies in a room then have something else open up. Like kill 3 skeletons a door opens up, or kill 2 octoroks and a new floor appears.(Example: if the key is across the room and water is surrounding it, kill the enemies and a floor will be created on top of the water too cross it.) Im stuck on this problem I tried the tutorial but I couldnt get it really since im using new graphics packs i dont really follow along with it. So if someone can help me yet another question I have, that would be another question left i dont have to worry about lol.:clap:

07-12-2002, 11:21 AM
It's done with secret combos. Go to Tools > Secret Combos, and set the tiles you might want to appear in the boxes on the right. Now go to Tools > Flags and set the Secret Combo #? (? being the number of the tile you selected.) Draw that in. Now go to Tools > Screen Flags and enable Enemies -> Secret. When you defeat the enemies, the secret combo tiles will appear where you placed the flags.

07-13-2002, 03:22 AM
If you want a door to open when you kill the enemies, just make the door a shutter. As long as you're in a dungeon, it'll automatically open when the enemies die.

07-13-2002, 03:26 AM
There are other options, too...you can have a shutter open upon the push of a block, or by placing a block (infinite push) into just the right location, or bombing a spot in the floor, or...the possibilities are almost endless.
