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View Full Version : Pallete / tilesets confusions....

07-11-2002, 11:03 AM
:confuse2:i read the tutorial, and basicly, i read alot of stuff, but I seemed to have missed something....:confuse2:

How do you get the overworld to use different palletes except the origial 4 or 5?

And, i made it so you have to shoot an arrow at a eyeball tile that i made to open the door for level 2.

I put the new tile in place of one of the water ones... i look, and now that water tile all over is an eyeball?!?? How do I make it so I can have the eyeball, and the water tiles, without killing any other tiles... in the world i come from, i would phrase this How do I change tilesets without replacing other tiles? in other words, how can i use 2 tilesets on 1 screen???

07-12-2002, 12:57 PM
In the DMap editor, choose a pallete to use. ;)

If you import tilesets, your tiles will be replaced. Simply GRAB from the tileset if you want to add tiles from it.

07-12-2002, 03:05 PM
So, i can have all the regular default tiles, one of each tile on one screen and by 'grabbing' i can add that one without overwriting another tile (making it different?)

And the palletes are confusing, how can i access ALL palletes. on the overworld, or something....

zora man
07-14-2002, 11:52 PM
If you have the 1.92 betalayer the statue on the water or what ever and it will look like the statue is sitting on the water.
If you dont know how to layer look for a post in zquest help.
Are you talking about the toles on you screen or in your tile menu?

07-15-2002, 02:50 AM
You can add new combos into empty spaces in the combo editor. Empty spaces have red squares in them. Press shift+down to scroll through the combos until you find an empty one to use. I hope I understood your question correctly.

07-15-2002, 10:54 AM
BUT, I can use more than one set of tiles on one screen?

07-16-2002, 06:52 AM
OHHHH! I think I figured your eyeball problem out.

I'll answer the current question first. Yes. In the new betas, "Combopagelessness" has been implemented. Screens are no longer limited to 256 combos. You can take any tile from any combo page.

Your eyeball problem comes from not setting up the eyeball tiles correctly. I recommend using a, because b is buggy. Make 8 consecutive tiles for it, the first being north, next northeast, next east, next southeast, and so on. Select the first tile. That's it.