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07-10-2002, 10:44 PM
Alright, this is strange. I come home from work tonight and go into my room and nearly fall over dead. Why? Because I see my mom sitting there playing GTA3. Apparently she had been playing it for at least an hour and a half and somehow managed to squander a good chunk of my money, ruin two sports cars, and kill some 60 people. I was impressed. But what amazed me more was that she figured out how to now only turn all the necessary compnents on to play the game (TV, VCR, PS2, Stereo reciever, compnent switch), but she had also somehow managed to change disks, something previously thought impossible for the technically inclined. Anybody else ever have this happen to them. Frankly, I am scared shitless.

07-10-2002, 11:19 PM
:odd: Thats unusual... Never happened here, would have been really weird.

07-10-2002, 11:30 PM
LOL your MOM played GTA3? did she like it? my parents wouldn't play any computer/video games...

The Silent Assassin
07-11-2002, 12:37 PM
My dad used to play Nintendo Pinball with me. That was it. He regared every other game as "stupid".

07-11-2002, 12:39 PM
My dad seems to like anything to do with basketball or racing. My mom will play just about any Nintendo game out there. I was just amazed to find her playing GTA3 and liking it.

07-11-2002, 01:23 PM
My dad used to play Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, and I would watch him all the time (part of the reason I got into Zelda and got into this game). He just played the Zelda games and they were addicting. We rented Zelda 2 plenty of times, and the farthest he ever got in it was Three-Eyed Rock Palace, like once. The last time I rented it years and years ago, I got him to play it and started talking way to much "Jump and then attack him!" "Watch out!" "Hey!" "Listen!" that he got mad at me and I had to sit away from him. When I got The Legend of Zelda my dad played that and would stay up to like 12am playing it while I was trying to sleep. He beat it one night I think. I remember us figuring out how to deal with the Goriya (He's hungry!). He also played Link's Awakening when I showed it to him, and he beat it before I did. But he's not into Zelda, nor does he play games anymore (unless its like Christmas and its something new). He got through half of Goldeneye and played Rogue Leader for a while when I got GCN last Christmas.

07-11-2002, 03:19 PM
Um...my mom likes to play Pac-Man and my dad? Err...he likes to watch me play...especially sports games like Madden. Bah.

07-11-2002, 03:37 PM
My mom used to play the original Zelda all the time back when I first got it. I was once away at camp for two weeks and halfway through the first week I called home to see what was up and the first thing she did was ask me a question about the game. I think she wanted to know where Level 8 was...

She even has ZC on her computer at home now, though I don't think she actually plays it. My sister might though...

07-11-2002, 04:07 PM
My Dad used to be obsesed with playing video games.
He loved the NES and SNES. He didn't really like the Sega Genesis, though. When I got an N64 he never did get used to the analog stick, but none-the-less liked Mario Kart.

But for some odd reason, around 1999, he lost all interest in video games. He now claims to hate them.

07-11-2002, 08:48 PM
my mom whoops my ass at pacman.

07-12-2002, 08:29 AM
My mom used to rule at Mario 2, but now she refuses to play video games. Every now and then you'll get her to play Mario All-Stars on SNES but thats it. She won't touch the N64 or the Dreamcast.

07-12-2002, 08:55 AM
My mother used to play every game we got, back when Zelda and Mario 2 were new. Now she just plays Bomberman and Tetris-type games, especially Wario's Woods.

My father doesn't play any games, but he used to like Tetris. Got me out of bed once to ask where the Game Boy was.

07-12-2002, 10:36 AM
Heh.Tetris addicts..............

My parents got Hooked on MArio1, but after that Mom lost interest, and Dad flatly refused to "ever let another waste of time ever get me addicted again" I believe is the way he put it. Ever since then he deon't even like to WATCH us play the games (me thinks he's just worried if he gets hooked on it again, he can't spend 150 hours a week betweeen working, and then coming home and working on his projects. Like the old cars that we have so we can have the boats to work on, ect..........)

07-12-2002, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Mak-X
"Jump and then attack him!" "Watch out!" "Hey!" "Listen!"

What did he say when he saw OOT? :rolleyes: :laughing:

07-12-2002, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by ZeldaLord
What did he say when he saw OOT? :rolleyes: :laughing:

"Turn the sound down." (he's never really seen it nor would he care.

I didn't actually say what Navi says, but you get the idea.

07-12-2002, 01:14 PM
I know this will sound weird... but my parents used to play Gran Turismo 3!!!!!!!!! ...weird.... :eyebrow: