View Full Version : Tiles, Map ideas, Spreadsheets, or Charas??

07-10-2002, 05:10 PM
Obviously, you entered this topic either because it caught your eye or for some reason you have to be here, or even worse - misclickage.

But, if it did catch your eye, heres what I got:

Being a past member of the once great Rpgmaker.net community, I designed a lot of tiles for different people, which began maps which then turned into charas. So, if you're struggling, or if you want to see my work, or even compare my copy to the one you're using, contact info is: [email protected]
AIM - DoctorEnigmatic

I'll put back up my site of examples and whatnot, but if you need it and need it now, you now know where I am.

07-10-2002, 07:05 PM
Moving to ZQ Developers Exchange. What's a chara?

07-10-2002, 08:55 PM
...chara as in character...:kawaii:

07-10-2002, 09:58 PM
Hm, I've never seen a map turn into a character...

07-10-2002, 10:27 PM
...oh...k...um.. Do what??? I don't get it either... I thought that that was it... :confused:

07-11-2002, 01:16 AM
No, character as in Link, Ganon, etc.

I think.


07-11-2002, 05:34 AM
Charas are indeed characters. I've been meddling with rpgmaker for about 2 weeks, but I don't understand how maps can become charas. However, I don't understand rpgmaker either.
Those bathroom tiles I sent to you, Mini-Me, are from the rpgmaker tilesets.

07-11-2002, 10:52 AM
Nooo, i mean, when i was creating charas for people, i eventually started making maps for them, too.

Tiles - blocks that make up the screen
Charas - heros/villians/marks - Link/gannon/merchant
spreadsheets - helps organize info instead of having alot of numbers written on the bottom of your school papers
Maps - areas that make up the landscape- setting.

And i've been working with RM2K for 2 years, i know alot about it, so if you're struggling, i can probably do something for you... ZQ and RM2K are very much alike - just alot of different words and different ways to do things.... if you want to know more, ask, im not gonna write it out unless someone wants to hear it. :P