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View Full Version : WarCraft III, Directx8.1, and a VooDoo3

07-10-2002, 05:01 PM
These three things dont get along. I've installed WarCraft 3 and Directx 8.1 (which the WC3 installer swears is vital for me to play the game ), and the result is my graphics card spits out some ugly looking white rectangular shapes on the menu screens, then crashes and burns when I load a level. I've been looking for a third-party driver for my card (since 3dfx doenst support the Voodoo cards anymore) but I cant find one that works with DirectX 81. But, strangely enough, Blizzard lists my card as being compatable. Anyone have a way out of this ?


07-10-2002, 07:47 PM
hmm those white boxes was what i got until i took my war3 back for not working my sugggestion try a new updated driver for the card if not, get a new card

07-10-2002, 08:41 PM
3Dfx is kinda dead ya know ;). There are numerous sites out there that have 3Dfx stuff. One such site is http://www.x3dfx.com (which I think may be the main site for some).

07-10-2002, 09:18 PM
Get a GeForce 4. ;)

07-10-2002, 09:55 PM
Well, I got it working. There was some website which described ways to tweak your Voodoo3, and it linked me to the DirectX8.1 compatable drivers. And I gotta say, my Celeron 433 and Voodoo 3 play the game really nice and smoothly at the lowest graphic settings. Much, much better than my friend's ATI Rage card.


07-10-2002, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by C-Dawg
Much, much better than my friend's ATI Rage card.


That's because they are not very good. I've got one of them and that's why I can't play 3d games past 1999 on my computer without problems. -_-

I can't upgrade either because the thing is in the motherboard. -_-

07-10-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Nick

I can't upgrade either because the thing is in the motherboard. -_-

That doesn't matter.

Go buy a PCI Geforce 2 or 3.
Pop it in an empty PCI slot.
Hook your monitor up to the Geforce.
Your computer should know to send data to the Geforce.
When windows boots up it will be in 256 color mode.
Install the drivers for the new card.

If your computer is stupid and doesn't use the new card, see if you can disable the built in one in the BIOS settings(typically F2, or DEL will get you to those on boot up).

07-11-2002, 12:55 AM
Menkoh, it's not that easy. There's a setting that isn't adjustable on a lot of brand-name systems that simply will not allow another video card to function. It's called Video BIOS shadowing. All brand-name systems I've seen have this option locked in the ON position. I tried installing a Permedia2 card into one of my older desktop systems (which didn't even HAVE a 3D card), and it failed miserably. Mind you this was a PCI card (system did not have an AGP slot).


If you have an AGP slot, you should be able to put an AGP card into the system (I was able to, despite the setting I mentioned above). Just make sure to disable your onboard card (if you can, check the mobo for jumpers on that).

07-11-2002, 02:37 AM
hmm.. I've had the exact oppisite situation, Thunderbird.

Most computers I've seen had this as an option. Off by default. And a couple systems(mine included) don't even have that option at all, and it allows other cards. But none had it stuck on.

I guess the old adage, 'your milage may vary' fits well here. Well if the card doesn't work on your computer, most stores will refund your money.

07-11-2002, 08:55 AM
Every computer I've seen with a built in video card or sound card had such options, too. But of course, we buy our motherboards and build the computers. Brand name guys might not want !clue people disabling their cards and breaking their systems. :lol:

07-11-2002, 12:08 PM
This (http://www.acersupport.com/desktop/articles/as21xx_videomem_da10538.html) is how much my computer sucks. :sweat:

07-11-2002, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by C-Dawg
Much, much better than my friend's ATI Rage card.


Meh. I feel your pain. I've got an ATI Rage Fury Maxx which is basically two Rage 128 chips on one card, with a total of 64 megs of VRAM divided between the two chips. Warcraft 3 ran choppy when I played it, but it was probably because of my shitty processor or RAM.

Oh well...that's why I stick with older games.

07-11-2002, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Menokh
hmm.. I've had the exact oppisite situation, Thunderbird.

Most computers I've seen had this as an option. Off by default. And a couple systems(mine included) don't even have that option at all, and it allows other cards. But none had it stuck on.

I guess the old adage, 'your milage may vary' fits well here. Well if the card doesn't work on your computer, most stores will refund your money.

Must be something specific to HP computer then ;). It's much easier to upgrade components in the computer I have now (although it's not like I NEED to, it's got a Voodoo 5 5500 with 64MB VRAM).

07-11-2002, 11:05 PM
I tried to install DirectX8.1 on my computer and it wouldn't allow me to play any games without having to use 8-bit polygon and particle effects. That pisses me off...

07-12-2002, 10:24 AM
I'm having trouble with DirectX 8.1's 3D too. :sweat:

07-13-2002, 02:39 AM
My PC came with some piss poor 4 or 8 meg atirage turbo agp card thing which is intergrated. All I did was buy a Geforce 2 MX 200 PCI, popped it in, plugged monitor into it and weee. Installed drivers and works great.