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View Full Version : Windows XP (you knew it was coming sooner or later.)

07-10-2002, 11:02 AM
:mega: For now I use that, because I can't find Pacman....:darkmage:

I may be new to the community, but fear not - I have experence in one of the past greats - rpgmaker.net. They were a great group, now known as happy apathy, with about only 4 or 5 people I remember. So, I have experence with showing respect and value on the communications of the internet.

But anyways, I recently bought a computer, it runs XP, I loaded up all of my favorites (ZQuest and ZClassic on the shortcuts bar, of course.) and I started up ZQuest to contine on dicking with the quest (which remains unnamed)... but. i can only see one forth of the ZQuest screen.. Bottom-Right corner. Good thing I remember ESC = quit, or else I woulda been stuck there for a while before I finally decided to restart the computer. Anybody know about XP fixes, or are currently running XP with ZQuest and ZClassic? It would help alot. (:confused:im sorry if this was already addressed... But I did make an effort to look.)

-Oh yes, if im fxckin' up somewhere, I would hope someone would tell me... but.. be nice : o

07-10-2002, 11:42 AM
Are you running the dos or windows version of ZC and ZQ, because the dos version doesn't work in XP.

07-10-2002, 01:45 PM
Oh. uhmm... I never saw a windows version, but yeah, i'll check that out.... cause the one im runnin brings me straight to dos.


07-10-2002, 01:47 PM
zc190.zip www.debitexpress.com 3.30 MB
thats the one im using, and it seems to be the windows one...

...correct me if i'm wrong.

07-10-2002, 01:48 PM
Check out the 163 beta.

07-10-2002, 01:49 PM
Where?? all is see in 1.90.

07-10-2002, 01:57 PM
Mmmmm. Reading others' posts, I found out where. The thread was moved to ZC discussion.. my bad...

07-10-2002, 01:58 PM
1) Go to ZC discussion and check out DN's topic.
2) Don't post twice in a row, it makes some people edgy.
3) Yes, I dislike Al Gore, but WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?
4) I see you have acknowledged yourself as a subrosian. That is fine, as long as you acknowledge me as your king.

07-10-2002, 02:18 PM
*Yeah, I said my bad because I did realize it was in the topic at the other board.
*thats my fault, i tend to forget things easily... gotta add on!
*Well, While I was locked up I wanted to make a ZC program, not knowing it already existed. I remember writing somewhere on the site "AL GORE SUCKS, TOO" so I felt I had to bring closure to the fact that my idea was already taken, by saying, yes, al gore, you do suck, too.
*No comment. :o

Dont take this as going back on your feedback, im just letting you know where i was coming from and pinpoint my error to make it less likley to happen again.

07-10-2002, 05:04 PM
---later post, yes, two in a row, but this is about 3-4 hours later.

Well, I did do the 163 version, and I got the allegra.dll (sp? :D) file to make it work
same thing

well, i found out if i turn the knob to make the screen go right, i can see the whole thing, but when i switch back, a good chunk of my regular screens are cut off. So, I can either play with the monitor everytime I want to Z my quest, or I can try to fix the problem.... I dont know, anybody? Maybe it has something to do with the screen size setting for msdos, I dont remember anything about that (ask why if you want to) But, help would be greatly, erm, good.

OH YES I dont know if I mentions I am a very experenced rm2k tileset maker.. wait, i'll go to a different forum with that +zip!+

zora man
07-10-2002, 09:33 PM
Dr.E IF you want to add something to the thread but you just posted there is and edit button on the bottom right hand of the screen. \/

07-11-2002, 09:06 AM
Double-posting is only considered acceptable if you have something meaningful to add to the topic and it is so far down nobody reads it. Otherwise, Edit it. And editing means you can add a reason for edit at the bottom! :D

And one more thing:

07-11-2002, 10:54 AM
hrmpshh. im sorry, im un aware.... ive been away for 9 months, i pretty much forgot everything.... edit, what an amazing concept... thanks.