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View Full Version : hey i have a question

07-08-2002, 11:16 PM
Hey im new to this zelda classic thing so im new to this forum too. But it doesnt mean i wont understand anything so try me. But im stuck here when i make a cave link wont go in it. i tried everything, even followed the tutorial but it didnt work. can someone walk me through the cave settings? (i know its embarassing to ask this):cool:

07-09-2002, 12:23 AM
Is the cave set to cave combo?

07-09-2002, 12:25 AM
First make sure you have the correct combo, that list to the right. When you click on the "cave" combo, which should be all black, the bottom should say that it is a cave and the left of the 2 squares should have no red. If the bottom doesn't show that then either press pageup till it showa a "1" in the upper right part or select a different combo. Red means Link can't walk in it. Also go to the data->tile warps window and select a destination room to go to. If that is confusing just ask again and someone else can answer properly.

07-09-2002, 10:11 AM
yeah i used to have trouble with that too. The cave combo when displayed on the bottom of the screen showing you what you selected should look like a half black and half red square.

07-09-2002, 10:28 AM
If you have beta 163 I suggest you use cave 2, it's alot better.

07-09-2002, 11:34 AM
Why? Cave 2 just makes link move up instead of down.

07-09-2002, 12:38 PM
It makes you look like you're going staight in, actually (it's been used in many quests).