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View Full Version : oinkpig invades #AGN! (and causes a ruckus!)

07-07-2002, 05:48 PM
This is to make more people to come to chat.

<·QueenXaviera5·> *falls asleep on the floor*
+JayeM·> omg no
<·Fiyerstorm·> QUEENIE!
<·QueenXaviera·> o_O
<·16:28:16·> * Fiyerstorm strokes her hair and whispers..."oinkpig is grazing"
+JayeM·> is oinkpig a take-off on moocow?
<·Fiyerstorm·> no
<·Fiyerstorm·> its my alter ADORABLE ego
<·Erasul·> and the questions really aren't hard with the hitns
<·Erasul·> hints
<·Steve-o-Mac·> hehe
<·Steve-o-Mac·> you all are funny
+JayeM·> no, but they're still boring
<·16:29:53·> *** Fiyerstorm is now known as oinkpig
<·oinkpig·> Oinky!
<·QueenXaviera·> lol
* QueenXaviera eats oinkpig
<·oinkpig·> (Oinkpig is Ganon's nephew)
<·16:30:17·> * oinkpig squeals
* QueenXaviera eats oinkpig
<·16:30:32·> * oinkpig gnaw on JayeM's fingers
<·16:30:35·> * oinkpig squeals
<·16:30:35·> * oinkpig squeals
<·16:30:37·> *** JayeM is now known as bahsheep
<·oinkpig·> :o
<·oinkpig·> Oinky!
<·oinkpig·> Oinky!
<·oinkpig·> Oinky!
+bahsheep·> baaah
* QueenXaviera cuddles oinkpig
<·oinkpig·> Oinky!
+bahsheep·> hey, I'm more cuddly than a pig
<·16:31:27·> * oinkpig chews on Queenie's fingers
<·16:31:46·> * oinkpig snorts at bahsheep
<·QueenXaviera·> :P
<·Steve-o-Mac·> not if hes a baby pig
<·Steve-o-Mac·> there cute
<·Steve-o-Mac·> hehe
<·oinkpig·> oinky!
<·oinkpig·> ^O^
<·Steve-o-Mac·> its a baby pig
<·16:32:48·> *** bahsheep is now known as cawcrow
<·oinkpig·> lol
<·16:33:10·> * oinkpig throw bread at cawcrow
<·16:33:13·> *** Steve-o-Mac is now known as naahorse
<·oinkpig·> Whoa alright
<·16:33:22·> *** Joins: SUCCESSOR ([email protected])
<·oinkpig·> Yall need to stop jocking me
+cawcrow·> caw
<·oinkpig·> oinky!
<·naahorse·> naaa
<·16:33:57·> *** Toasty is now known as barkdog
<·barkdog·> Woof.
* +cawcrow dives and plucks SUCCESSOR's eyes out
<·16:34:08·> *** naahorse is now known as mewcat
<·16:34:10·> *** SUCCESSOR is now known as uhhqueenie
<·oinkpig·> :O
<·mewcat·> mew
<·mewcat·> mew
* barkdog sees a fire hydrant
<·QueenXaviera·>lol successy
<·uhhqueenie·> hehe hhow yuh, queenie?
<·16:35:14·> * oinkpig cuddles with Queenie
* barkdog lifts his leg and craps
<·16:35:17·> *** Joins: Cow ([email protected])
<·oinkpig·> oinky!
<·oinkpig·> oinky!
<·oinkpig·> oinky!
<·16:35:23·> *** mewcat is now known as Steve-o-Mac
<·barkdog·> HELLO COW SIRE
+cawcrow·> that was no hydrant, that was SUCCESSOR
<·oinkpig·> #FiyerPit
* QueenXaviera cuddles with oinkpig
<·Cow·> hello barkdog
<·16:35:43·> *** barkdog is now known as Toasty
<·16:35:46·> *** uhhqueenie is now known as patato
<·patato·> patato!
<·Cow·> :o
<·16:36:02·> *** oinkpig is now known as Fiyerstorm
8+cawcrow·> what's that?
<·16:36:16·> *** cawcrow is now known as JayeM
<·16:36:26·> * Fiyerstorm still snugbgles with Queenie
<·16:36:28·> *** Quits: ElementalKnight ([email protected]) (Quit: connection reset by your mother)
<·16:36:30·> * Fiyerstorm gets stabbed
<·Steve-o-Mac·> this place is full of a bunch of animals
<·Steve-o-Mac·> its crazyness
<·Fiyerstorm·> #FiyerPit <---cool peeps
<·Steve-o-Mac·> pure crazyness
<·patato·> *goes*
<·Fiyerstorm·> :/
<·16:37:20·> *** patato is now known as FlapJack
<·16:37:56·> *** JayeM is now known as Syrup
<·16:38:34·> *** Fiyerstorm is now known as PeanutButter-n-Jelly
<·16:38:44·> *** Steve-o-Mac is now known as bread
+Syrup·> we're so sweet
<·16:39:01·> *** Quits: Cow ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
<·bread·> im so healthy
<·PeanutButter-n-Jelly·> I'm just delicious
<·PeanutButter-n-Jelly·> :p
<·PeanutButter-n-Jelly·> I have this as a log.....this will be funny to show...
<·16:39:35·> *** Syrup is now known as JayeM
<·16:39:43·> *** bread is now known as Steve-o-Mac
* FlapJack is a FlapJack
<·16:40:05·> * PeanutButter-n-Jelly flips FlatJack with a spatula before it burns
<·16:40:11·> *** PeanutButter-n-Jelly is now known as Fiyerstorm
* +JayeM smear Slasher on Steve
<·Fiyerstorm·> :o
+JayeM·> mmm
* FlapJack is wholesome and nutritious
* FlapJack tastes like chicken
* Toasty eats Flapjack.
<·FlapJack·> *enjoys*
<·Toasty·> ew, chicken flavored flapjack?!
* Toasty spits it out
<·Fiyerstorm·> lol
<·16:42:27·> *** FlapJack is now known as SpatOutFlapJack
+JayeM·> prefer anchovie?
* SpatOutFlapJack feels violated
Your missing the fun peeps!!!

EDIT: Fixed the log

07-07-2002, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by SlasherCGE
This is to make more people to come to chat.
Chat has a lot more little squares than I remembered...

We're still not allowed to post chat logs, though, are we? No matter how illegible?

07-07-2002, 06:09 PM
actually we are, as long as the people who talked in it dont have a problem, i beleive

07-07-2002, 06:16 PM
Why's it messed up like that?

07-07-2002, 06:26 PM
I'm fixing it right now...I use Space Scripts's log and it shows the color code. Everyone involved in that log are okay with this.

Fatty Lumpkin
07-07-2002, 08:25 PM
hehe! I guess I need to fire up the old mIRC sometime.

07-08-2002, 06:17 PM
And that log is meant to get more people in chat? If I had never been in chat and I read that I would be inclined not to go into chat.
But rest easy people not everyone in there is crazy. It just helps if you are a little insane.

07-08-2002, 06:20 PM
agn has its own chat?! when did this ahppen and how do i get to it so i can join the insanity? :kawaii:

07-08-2002, 06:30 PM
I aught to drop by sometime. I remember having fun in there. :lol:

07-08-2002, 06:33 PM
You should have seen last night.
Oi... Obi apparently has a trivia bot, and people were fighting to have it on or off, we eventually had an over 100 question game that I didn't stay through And Oinkpig showed up and got abused...

07-08-2002, 06:49 PM
:sweat: apparently people like to ignore the person who doesn't go outside of MPQ, FG, GED, GAD, and GGD that much. :sweat:

07-08-2002, 07:10 PM
I never got #AGN to work right for me... Dammit. Sometimes, I feel like I miss so much in there. :(

07-08-2002, 07:23 PM
you and me both drac.....:sweat:

07-08-2002, 08:41 PM
What about the time when oinkpig came in when I was there and Daarkseid roasted him and we had a luau (sp?)..that was fun.

07-08-2002, 09:01 PM
So, chat is at least 10 times more insane than regular AGN...OK.

I think there's a chat link on the main page with more info.

07-08-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Mander
It just helps if you are a little insane.

Which we all are.

07-08-2002, 09:52 PM
The problem is, it's really slow unless you get on at the right time. (ex: TSA's little rant-a-thon last night)

07-09-2002, 01:08 AM
I actually had a script where I kept cutting slices off of oinkpig every time he said "OINKY"...he asked me to turn it off. If it happens again while I'm present, you can be sure I'm getting in my daily helping of ham...


07-09-2002, 05:41 PM
The only time I ever joined #AGN I got banned by breaker, heh.

Its okay though, because I connect to the Dalnet Servers most-often.