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07-06-2002, 01:04 AM
I traded in a bunch of Dreamcast games and got Tetris Worlds with my credits for the PS2.

Tetris Worlds buters the game...but it still pretty much has the same game in it...buried under all the side games and such.

Anyway...I played for a half hour straight tonight! One game, no death, level 15...its hard as fucking hell. Blocks drop at an amazing rate.

How far have you gotten in any Tetris game?

07-06-2002, 01:26 AM
My longest game was 33 minutes in Tetris World, or a name similar to that on the N64 Tetris game. I know it wasn't Tetrishpere. It was were you build the 7 wonders of the world.

07-06-2002, 01:36 AM
Tetris on the GameBoy I kicked ass at. Went about 2 hours doing a really good game... until the handheld fans worst nightmare hit... Batteries died... I don't even remember the score.

07-06-2002, 01:53 AM
I just want the real Tetris. I want normal score and normal rules.

07-06-2002, 02:07 AM
My friend is tetris GOD. He got over 4000 lines on Tetris 64.

Tony, search for "Acid Tetris" and download it. It's a great game.

07-06-2002, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by Sir Anthony
I just want the real Tetris. I want normal score and normal rules.

Game Boy - Tetris, Tetris Plus
NES - Tetris (Nintendo)
Super Nintendo - Tetris/Dr. Mario

I think the highest I've gotten in Type A on Tetris (GB) is level 13. I've beaten the highest Level B, but only after trying over and over and getting lucky with the blocks.

Elemental Knight
07-06-2002, 11:48 AM
I've gotten to Level 14, with about 7,000 points.

Tetris = God. Simple, perfect, understandable, but ultimatly unreachable, the Tetris always seems but a tritris away... If only Man can stand above the L - blocks and declare, I have made a Tetris. I have reached Level 99. I... am become Tetris.

Sorry about that. I get emotional when I think about my ol' GB Tetris cartridge. Good times...

07-06-2002, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Mak-X

Game Boy - Tetris, Tetris Plus
NES - Tetris (Nintendo)
Super Nintendo - Tetris/Dr. Mario

I think the highest I've gotten in Type A on Tetris (GB) is level 13. I've beaten the highest Level B, but only after trying over and over and getting lucky with the blocks.

Yeah, but since I've moved out of my mom's house, all I have are my next gen systems and my gameboy advance. I miss my SNES.

07-09-2002, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Mak-X

Game Boy - Tetris, Tetris Plus
NES - Tetris (Nintendo)
Super Nintendo - Tetris/Dr. Mario

On GB, don't you mean Tetris DX? :)

Anyway, back a few months to a year ago, I think I got thirty to fourty something lines. :mega:

07-09-2002, 09:43 PM
Tetris DX is the same, only in color and shit. I'd recomend that.