View Full Version : Voice recognition

07-02-2002, 12:14 PM
In the following post I am going to be using voice recognition software:

I ever by, how you doing to the theory have you ever used voice recognition? BSO how did it were written?

"Hi everybody, how are you doing today? (theory=question mark) Have you ever used voice recognition? If so, how did it work for you?"

I honestly used voice recognition software to do that. From my experience it doesn't work very good...apparently.

07-02-2002, 12:18 PM
I've heard it sucks when it starts, but somehow you are supposed to be able to "train" some programs and they get better the more you use them.

07-02-2002, 01:35 PM
One of the guys in the research group I joined is doing a PhD project that involves writing computer programs using voice recognition. It looks like it's going to be really cool when it's done.

07-02-2002, 03:19 PM
Voice recognition in the USA is iffy at this moment.
If I had a mic I could plug it in and use some vioce recognition software, but I'm sure the results would leave something to be desired.

But in Japan, they are working on voice recognition programs for windows, mac and unix/linux. Japanese is a very complex language, but so far they are making some incredible progress. I think these programs are already better than anything on the market today, and they are still under heavy development. It will be awhile beofre this is available for the average Japanese person.