View Full Version : Coming Soon!!

06-26-2002, 02:45 PM
I hope to have coming soon a BS-Zelda First Quest that is as close to the original BS-Zelda game as possible (No! This will NOT be the original Zelda First quest redone in BS Graphics, we already have that.) This will be however, for those who played a good or exact replica of BS-Zelda, a near-exact replica of THAT quest.

Only things that will be missing are:

Timing of Start/Level 9 (Level 9 will be drawn similarly but placed differently.)and storms featured in BS-Zelda.
Triggers for Infinite Bombs, Fire Boomerang, and infinite sword shooting.
Item Triggers (Although they may be added using Trigger Temp and Trigger Perm.)
Enemy Transformation During Storm (Octorocks to Darknuts and the like).
Tornadoes guarding White Sword and Lost Woods Transformation. (all took place before/after you beat Level 4)
Level 6 won't rise out of the water as in BS-Zelda. (Edit: I may be able to do something like that using the whistle and secret combos but don't count on it.)
Armos Transformations.
Clock Triggers.

Other then that, it should be as close as possible. I will be using my copy of the complete BS-Zelda rom as my guide for the maps and enemies and Vel's newly expanded BS-Tileset in my quest as opposed to the original BS set.

06-26-2002, 03:28 PM
Umm I've already done this. The quest can be found on my page, it is called "BS Zelda remake" and is a remake of the original BS Zelda rom. I also will be having a new version that is more accurate.

06-26-2002, 03:37 PM
lol :laughing:

06-26-2002, 03:41 PM
:lmao: Wow, someone's not been checking around recently.

06-26-2002, 03:49 PM
I think it might have been released before he registered. I think I released it at the end of December 2000. It is also in the quest database. The new version will have day/night, a much more accurate level 9, a better more accurate ending and many other things.